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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2007-09-23T10:25:19-06:00 2007-09-23T10:25:19-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: -Making Mass Leveling Fun-]]> Statistics: Posted by devil fly — September 23rd, 2007, 10:25 am

2007-09-17T15:57:13-06:00 <![CDATA[Re:]]> Shadow7 wrote:

A few pieces of advice.
You say don't watch T.V. However, in my room, I actually have a mirror behind my computer, and it just happens to be set up so that I can see my TV in that mirror. That way, I can very easily see my TV and my computer screen at the same time. This works anytime your screen and TV are set up so that you can see both at the same time. As you seem to imply, though, you don't want to take your eyes off your monitor to watch TV; that's when problems happen.

Another thing is that it's sometimes nice to LISTEN to TV if it's a show that you don't need to watch. A good example (especially for older players) is the news; watching it isn't very important, you mainly listen to it. At the same time, you become aware of what's going on in the world.

Should have mentioned this like a year ago, hehee... But I added that TV idea you put. But it is still important to keep the bulk of your attention on the computer monitor.

Statistics: Posted by Rune Juggler — September 17th, 2007, 3:57 pm

2007-05-19T07:27:30-06:00 <![CDATA[-Making Mass Leveling Fun-]]> You say don't watch T.V. However, in my room, I actually have a mirror behind my computer, and it just happens to be set up so that I can see my TV in that mirror. That way, I can very easily see my TV and my computer screen at the same time. This works anytime your screen and TV are set up so that you can see both at the same time. As you seem to imply, though, you don't want to take your eyes off your monitor to watch TV; that's when problems happen.

Another thing is that it's sometimes nice to LISTEN to TV if it's a show that you don't need to watch. A good example (especially for older players) is the news; watching it isn't very important, you mainly listen to it. At the same time, you become aware of what's going on in the world.

Statistics: Posted by Shadow7 — May 19th, 2007, 7:27 am

2007-05-19T03:49:31-06:00 <![CDATA[-Making Mass Leveling Fun-]]>
never do more than 3 things at once whilst training. drawing pictures and browsing forums whilst training can be distracting from the main goal

Statistics: Posted by The123king — May 19th, 2007, 3:49 am

2007-05-18T16:46:39-06:00 <![CDATA[-Making Mass Leveling Fun-]]>
"If you have trouble keeping your mouse wrist levitated, place a soft rag or some other soft, comfortable material under it as support. Simply placing the bottom of your wrist on a hard surface could possibly create long-term problems. (I.E. carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.)"

In my opinion, some of it could be worded a bit differently. Sure you want to have a bit of humor, but keep in mind it would be good to act somewhat professional.
Things like "L0L, n33b, fresh air is gewd for yoo", should be kept away from guides.

Statistics: Posted by Junesetsfire — May 18th, 2007, 4:46 pm

2007-05-12T17:11:26-06:00 <![CDATA[-Making Mass Leveling Fun-]]> Statistics: Posted by Rune Juggler — May 12th, 2007, 5:11 pm

2007-05-12T17:00:11-06:00 <![CDATA[-Making Mass Leveling Fun-]]> Glodenox wrote:

Simple yet very useful for people who don't have the insight to discover this themself... Perhaps we could make an even bigger guide about this and expanding the subject, including things like taking breaks at least once each 45 minutes for 15 minutes. And with that I mean a break from the computer... Or that people must be seated straight in front of their computer and the position of their hands on the keyboard... That kind of stuff...

Apart from some mistakes, this is already an in-depth guide on its subject, but I believe we should expand it a bit...

- Greetz Glodenox :cheese:

Good Idea,Hmm If Rune juggler and you would like help on expanding it I have alot of tips on what to do since i get tired i can offer tips on what to do and what not to.

Statistics: Posted by Tyler — May 12th, 2007, 5:00 pm

2007-05-12T16:53:06-06:00 <![CDATA[-Making Mass Leveling Fun-]]>
Apart from some mistakes, this is already an in-depth guide on its subject, but I believe we should expand it a bit...

- Greetz Glodenox :cheese:

Statistics: Posted by Glodenox — May 12th, 2007, 4:53 pm

2007-05-12T16:45:16-06:00 <![CDATA[-Making Mass Leveling Fun-]]> ~Making Mass Leveling fun Guide~

Well...I find just about every skills fun to train for a little bit, and skills like Strength, Magic and other combat skills always seem to be enjoyable...But has anyone ever tried training a "Still" skills for a long period of time, or trying to reach a goal in a skill that takes a huge amount of time?...Well, if you have you know that it can sometimes get very repetitive and even become quite a snooze.This guide is created to help you have a little more fun with mass leveling so that you have a better chance of succeeding with your long term goals.

Part I:A few Q's and A's

What is a "still" skill?
When I refer to something as a "Still" skill, it means it is a skills that doesn't require much movement or work.A skill such as Fletching or Cooking are examples.Skills which have a repetitive action that is rarely broken by having to do another task or make a large movement.(For example retrieving logs from a bank, Fletching that set of logs, banking them and taking out more logs to fletch...then just rinsing and repeating).

Why make this Guide?
Well, after I decided to go for a long term goal in one of my skills, I realized that it can quickly get boring just standing in one place and repeating the same action.I started to think of ways to make it seem more interesting so that I don't get too bored and drop the goal.

Isn't it wrong/harsh to call leveling a skill for a long time boring?
I don't believe so.You see, the game is very fun and exciting, but clicking "Fletch 27 willow logs" 3000 times is not...By this I mean that somethings just aren't as fun as others.

Part II:Methods that don't require other people/things.

These are ways to make leveling more fun that don't require interaction with other people (EX. Friend's list, Clan members etc.), or sources outside RS.

Method A:Take breaks in-game.Train your skills for an hour, then play a game of Castle Wars, Barbarian Assault or do a Slayer task...just something completely different from whatever you were doing.I suggest something with a little more action so you get a little more hyped up and excited for training.

Method B:Train two similar skills at one time.In other words train one skills for an hour, then the other for one our...Rinse and repeat.This is preferably done with two skills that relate or are similar, such a Woodcutting/Fletching, Mining/Smithing, Fishing/Cooking.This way you don't ave to go out of your way to train the second skill.Be aware that if you are aiming for a high level goal, this can severely slow down your training (because you are spending your time on two skills instead of one skill).

Method C:Train in a busy area.This one is a little tricky to explain, but I will try.Train your skills in a place where there are a lot of people...Why you may ask?Well, this may sound intrusive, but I find that some people have interesting conversations about many things in busy places...paying attention to other's talking can make the time go by faster.

Part III:Methods that require other people.

These are ways to make training more fun that include using your friends, clan-mates etc.

Method A:Just chat to one of your friends, talk about anything, it can make the time really fly by.You must be careful though, if you get caught up in talking, you may get slower in your training.(EX. Not banking fast enough, pressing the wrong number of things to fletch/cook etc.)

Method B:Similar to Method A, but this time, try and get your friends to come to you and train with you.It is always fun to do stuff with other people.Plus it's much either to talk to each other if you don't have to click the name in your Friend's List" each time.

Method C:Make trainings a clan event.For example, if your are cooking, make a Cooking/Fishing clan event where some people fish, then give the fish to others so they can cook and then give the fish back.This way everyone is training and you are always working on your skill/goal.

Part IV:Methods that require things/people other then RS itself.

These are ways to make training more fun that require things like forums, music players, real life friends etc.

Method A:Get down and Boogie...well sort of.This is my favorite method, just play some music (other then the in-game music).Pop a CD into the walkman, put on your mp3 player, turn on the radio or just find some songs on Youtube.I find that music can make the time go by really fast because you get into the music and you don't concentrate on the screen as much.

Method B:Talk to a friend in real life.This is preferably done in person then on the phone so you can pay attention to the screen, but it's all about preference I guess.This is much like talking to friends in-game, but with real-life friends, you can talk about a wider range of topics (because you are usually closer to real-life friends).

Method C:Play something small in real-life...Something like darts, a game of cards, just drawing etc. These things don't take much attention so you can still pay attention to the screen, but they make stuff go by quicker because you don't just stare at your character with full focus.

Method D:Read the forums (DO NOT post, will be explained later)...just be careful that you don't read for too long, or some of the consequences in the next section may happen.

Method E:LISTEN to the TV...thats right, don't watch it, just listen.This is very much like listening to music.If you have your TV in the same room as your your computer, then you can listen to something that may not require watching (Things like the news, game-shows etc.)

Part V:Things to NOT do.

These are things I advise people to not do for several reasons.


A:Play another game, watch TV, go away from the screen, do not do these for the following reasons.
-Please remember that you should always be at the screen.
-If a random event hits, you could die and loose your stuff.
-If you are away for to long, you will log off.
-If you are around hostile enemies, you could be attacked.
-This rule has exceptions, if for example you have a portable TV (something small), you can put it on your lap or in front of the PC and that way you will be able to multi-task...I still wouldn't do this because you would constantly have to look up to see if your done with the task.

B:Post on a forum, this may seem strange but hear me out.I did a little test I tried fletching, smithing and cooking one inventory full of things...It takes around 0:51-1:16 minutes to finish one inventories worth of a task, one of the following may happen.
-If a random event hits, you could die and loose your stuff.
-If you are away for to long, you will log off.
-If you are around hostile enemies, you could be attacked.
-If you write a post for to long, you are wasting time you could be spending on training something.

C:Leave the room for an extended period of time because:
-You should never be playing AFK (Away From Keyboard)
-If a random event hits, you could die and loose your stuff.
-If you are away for to long, you will log off.
-If you are around hostile enemies, you could be attacked.
-If you are away for to long, you are wasting precious training time.

*As you can see, most of these reasons have similar consequences.

Part VI:Your Health...

Thats right, I care about your health.You health (Physical,mental and social) all go above playing RuneScape.Here are some good ideas to take into consideration.It's important to be healthy while playing.While this doesn't really have anything to do with making leveling more fun, it important to still keep this in mind.

Idea A:You know your bed?...the one you hate getting out of in the morning, well please...Get into it at night!Sleep is very important for your health, having great skills isn't worth being tired and drained of energy everyday.Get your recommended amount of sleep each night.

Idea B:Fresh air does wonders for your health.People should spend at least one hour a day in the fresh air.I recommend going outside with some friends, take a stroll in the park..Maybe even just sit on your porch.Just make sure you get some fresh air everyday.

Idea C:For each hour you play, you should spend at least 10 minutes away from the computer/TV (anything that strains your eyes).This is stated in the "Knowledge Base" but I will say it again.

Idea D:Don't neglect real life.We all love RuneScape, but your Job,School,Friends and all the other things in your life are just as if not more important then a game.

Idea E:If you go to school, I highly advise that you finish any homework you have before playing...Good grades are important.This also keeps you from having to do homework in the middle of the night!

Idea F:Only spend a few hours per day playing RS (or anything in general), playing to much can give you constant headaches.No, just taking some headache medicine is NOT a way to avoid this.

Idea G:Sit in a comfortable chair and in a comfortable way.Try to sit on a chair with padding and a high back to you can lean on it, if you are more comfy you don't feel as tired and stressed.

Part VII:Some Random Tips.

Tip A:If you are training a skill for an extended period of time, and you wish to talk to other people, try to plan ahead with them so both of you/all of you are online at the same time.

Tip B:When training a "Still skill", I recommend not wearing anything expensive, because if a random event kills you...You don't want to lose anything, especially anything of high value.

Tip C:Remember your main goal or skill, if you start taking mini-game breaks while training, remember that you should spend more time leveling that skill then playing Castle Wars or such.

Tip D:Wear something unique looking.While training "Still" skills, I have actually been asked several times things like "Are you an autoer" or"Speak if you are not an autoer".This is because you are standing in a single location for an extended period of time not talking.I then started to wear things when I train and it stopped.Because I don't look "Generic" anymore, people realize I am an actual player.I recommend something cheap...I wear Canafis robes with a Legend's cape.These items are cheap, but show others that I am not autoing.This happens rarely, but it's better to be safe then sorry.

Tip E:Set some goals...If you set small goals, it's much easier to complete something and feel better about it...for example, it's better to say "I'm going to train from level 71-75 Fletching" then say "I'm going to train as much Fletching as I can".When you set a goal, you will feel more compelled to complete it and therefore you will train more effectively.

Tip F:HAVE FUN! Thats what this game is all about, fun is the most important thing.

I hope you have enjoyed this guide, and I hope it helps you!

Statistics: Posted by Rune Juggler — May 12th, 2007, 4:45 pm
