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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2007-04-03T11:18:48-06:00 2007-04-03T11:18:48-06:00 <![CDATA[City Guide problems / corrections]]> Statistics: Posted by Chip Hazard — April 3rd, 2007, 11:18 am

2007-04-03T05:30:28-06:00 <![CDATA[City Guide problems / corrections]]>

Statistics: Posted by Paul IV — April 3rd, 2007, 5:30 am

2007-04-02T20:14:00-06:00 <![CDATA[City Guide problems / corrections]]> Statistics: Posted by Kikori — April 2nd, 2007, 8:14 pm

2007-04-02T19:27:04-06:00 <![CDATA[City Guide problems / corrections]]> Statistics: Posted by Paul IV — April 2nd, 2007, 7:27 pm

2007-04-02T16:14:02-06:00 <![CDATA[City Guide problems / corrections]]>
Okay, let's see... I'll check 'em off as I complete them, though more than one I'm probably not going to be able to complete due to lack of mapping ability or member experience. XD
Some of these I also can't work on as they're something only editable by people who can change the actual code of the guides, so... >.>

No mention if the break-in at the bank, the guards outside, or the gossip-woman sitting outside the Wise Old Man's house (who is also missing)

Outdated pictures, especially at Oziach's shop and the General Store
No mention of the Canoe station east of the city

The picture of Luthas talking is missing the monkey. Not a major fault.
There's no mention of the entrance to the fight pits inside the Karamja Volcano.

Port Sarim
Details on #10 (Bluerite mines and the dwarf that lives there) are completely missing
Information about the Mudskipper Point is non-existant
#5 on the map is a temple, the guide says "The Rusty Anchor", which is really the bar.

SUPER-outdated map pictures
Outdated shop pictures, especially the ranged, general, rune, armor, and staff stores
No mention of player-owned houses
The "section 4" area of the map doesn't show numbers 6 through 9. Instead, those numbers were (accidentally, probably) put into the unordered list of prices from Scavvo's store
Dr. Harlow is no longer in the Jolly Boar pub. He was moved to the Blue Moon Inn
Runecrafting skill cape got here

*Starts with Draynor* >.>




That was the Wise Old Man, and below is his house. Well, the Wise Old Man is a very curious fellow. He knows much about the world of Runescape and is willing to share his knowledge with you. Also, he has the ability to look through your bank to find useless, quest-related items and is even willing to buy those kinds of items off of you! Also, if you are a member and have completed every known quest, he is willing to sell you a very prestiguous cape.

Time to explore his house...


The first floor is a very cramped area, but suitable for the Wise Old Man's living style. It's full of books and scrolls, charts and maps... Everything someone would need to learn and study. He also has a Saradomin Staff in one corner of the room. You can search the bookcases and occasionally find books for yourself to read. Let's check the upstairs...


Just like the downstairs. Cramped but a good reflection of the Wise Old Man's lifestyle. Many more bookcases, a screen for privacy, and a nice bed... But it occasionally jumps around for some reason, so give it a good kick or two to stop the shaking.


Just outside the Wise Old Man's house is Miss Schism, a gossip-loving woman who has had her eye on the Wise Old Man for a while, and not in any sort of good way. Talk to her to find out why.

You'll also notice that the bank is damaged... See for yourself.


Some time ago there was a break-in and many goods were stolen. If you're a member, the man guarding the wall will fill you in a little on what happened... Or you can talk to his accomplice, who is (failing at) hiding in a tree.



Well, that covers what's missing from Draynor (as far as I can tell), so Edgeville or Karamja will be next... But that's for later, my mom needs to do some business (literally business) on the computer for a while. =^_^=
EDIT Again: Decided on Edgeville for now. There's not much to explain so here's the pictures.


Image - General Store
Image - Oziach's shop
Image - Canoe Station


EDIT YET AGAIN: Self explanitory, look below. XD


First was the picture of Luthas talking, originally missing the monkey.


Next was the updated map, now set to include a #6 (fight pits), my first piece of mapwork in any event at all. (I think it turned out fair for a beginner... Wait, I didn't do much anyway. XD)


Last was the actual picture of the entrance into the Fight Pits. Spooky.



Well, if I get bored, Varrok is going to be a FUZZY BUNNY to get the pictures and updates for. XD
(I hope I don't have to actually make a new map of Varrok... There's so many people there that taking colors from adjacent squares on the mini-map will be near impossible!)

Statistics: Posted by Kikori — April 2nd, 2007, 4:14 pm

2007-04-02T16:07:05-06:00 <![CDATA[City Guide problems / corrections]]>

- Greetz Glodenox :cheese:

Statistics: Posted by Glodenox — April 2nd, 2007, 4:07 pm

2007-04-02T15:09:30-06:00 <![CDATA[City Guide problems / corrections]]>

Statistics: Posted by Chip Hazard — April 2nd, 2007, 3:09 pm

2007-04-02T15:03:50-06:00 <![CDATA[City Guide problems / corrections]]>
. . . Oh. *Edits*

EDIT: Edited.

XD I dunno if I should keep going at this point. Everything I'm catching now are small details (outdated pictures, mostly.)

Statistics: Posted by Kikori — April 2nd, 2007, 3:03 pm

2007-04-02T14:56:17-06:00 <![CDATA[City Guide problems / corrections]]>
- Greetz Glodenox :cheese:

Statistics: Posted by Glodenox — April 2nd, 2007, 2:56 pm

2007-04-02T14:39:22-06:00 <![CDATA[City Guide problems / corrections]]>

EDIT: Well, not much to it. XD


Updated Map...
(The update is a new #24)

24. The Sorceress' house is located south of Al Kharid, next to the Shanty Pass. Inside is a nice furniture set, a few spiders, a bronze mace, a neat fireplace, and an odd ladder leading to the upper floor... No Sorceress in sight.


Well, climb the ladder and there she is. You can talk to her if you like. Respect her and she won't mind your visit, but anger her and she'll teleport you right outside the house!


Keep in mind it isn't the Sorceress you want to talk to for the Sorceress' Garden minigame! The Apprentice, who is downstairs and visible only to members, is who to talk to for this minigame!


Fixed, now that Glode reminded me the Sorceress' Garden was a minigame. XD

Statistics: Posted by Kikori — April 2nd, 2007, 2:39 pm

2007-04-02T12:32:30-06:00 <![CDATA[City Guide problems / corrections]]>

Thanks for posting it, I'll take care of it personally :)

EDIT: Done. Anything I missed?

- Greetz Glodenox :cheese:

Statistics: Posted by Glodenox — April 2nd, 2007, 12:32 pm

2007-04-01T13:10:18-06:00 <![CDATA[City Guide problems / corrections]]> Changes - grammar, restored / new / better pictures, updated the mining section and added the Stronghold section, changed 'jugs' to 'pie dishes' in the #6 section.


[spoil]Below is an overview of this Village, with numbers marking the important locations.


Ah yes, the place Barbarians call Home. These fairly short and very aggressive people tend to keep to themselves as much as they can but it is hard as they are right in between two very important RuneScape Cities, Falador and Varrock. So they have grown used to Adventurers passing by. They LOVE to drink! These Men can drink their body mass five times over every week!

1. The Pub

Remember how I said before how these guys can drink? Well that's not the half of it! As you can see there are a few Houses in this little Town but far more Barbarians than there are Houses for! Why? Because most of these guys actually live in the Pub! Forget a Bartender, this Pub just has a few Barrels always open and just sets some Beer and Meat out, on the House! For the Hunters out there you can find a couple Unicorns just north of the Pub.
Warning: Don't take beer directly from their barrels, these guys don't really like that.


2. The Helmet Shop

Peksa is an expert on many different kinds of Helmets, and his reputation precedes him. Adventurers come from all over to visit his Helmet Shop! He's very friendly and would be glad to sell you a Helmet. Here is his selection of high quality Helmets.


3. The Spinning Wheel

The Spinning Wheel is located in one of the Barbarian's House. He doesn't talk much so I nick-named him Bub. He has a very homely little House with a couple of Beds, a Chest (empty now), and a Pickaxe on the Table for anyone to use. Due to his love of Wool and Flax he's got his very own Spinning Wheel which he allows anyone access too.


4. The Mining Rocks

Of these Rocks four contain Coal and five Tin. Useful for newer Players and Low-Level Miners as it isn't usually crowded and is close enough to a Bank to make it a reasonable Mining spot.


5. The Stronghold Entrance

In the middle of all the mining rocks lies the entrance to the Stronghold of Security, a dungeon set to make you secure... If you can survive!


6. The Potter's Wheel

One of the few Potter's Wheels available to free world Players. This is a great place to start your Crafting training, making Pots, Bowls and Pie Dishes. Amazingly, there is also a Kiln in the same Building.


Get some Clay and use Water with it to make it nice and soft. Then take the Soft Clay here to the Potters Wheel. Use it with the Wheel then put it in the Kiln to harden. Great for Crafting of if you just need some nice Pottery.

7. The Fishing Spot

Since Barbarian Village is so close to the Grand River, they have a couple of Fishing Spots for Food. You can fish here using Bait Fishing or by Fly Fishing. A great source of Food for all. You can cook your Fish in the Pub on one of the Fires, or chop down a local Tree and build a Fire of your own. A pretty compact power Fishing and Cooking Spot.



That's about it. A few updates that should bring this guide back to speed.

EDIT: Yeah, going through the city guides I've found a lot of things that probably need correcting and I'm debating on whether I should (or can, in some cases) fix the problems. XD

I did some hiding magic on this so it's easier for me to see what's done - Glodenox

Statistics: Posted by Kikori — April 1st, 2007, 1:10 pm
