Ignore the information below..
Hey there people, I'm working on the transportation guide. So far I have ways of transportion written out that includes teleporting using runes, amulet of glory, games necklace, ring of dueling, the charter ships and the gnome glider. I was also hoping to use agility shortcuts but my agility Isn't high enough to fully include these with the guide unless I have help
What I need from everyone is pictures, maps (I can probably get these though) and other ways of getting around in this huge world of runescape that I may have missed. Please post in this topic items used for ways of getting around and the options the item has when operated and the examine description(if any)
Amulet of Glory
Upon examination: A very powerful dragonstone amulet.
Takes you to:
Draynor Village
Al Kharid
Other information: Can be used 4 times before needing recharge
If you have any questions feel free to PM me. I'm on alot so you'll get a quick answer.
What I got so far:
Games Necklace
Ring of dueling
Amulet of glory
Magic spells for transportation
Gnome Glider (I still need location pictures for this, but I do not need the places it takes you)
Charter Ship Routes(need location pictures for this as well)
So far this is all I have, but hopefully with everyones help this should be done in a week if not less. =)
-The Devil3
rsn: The Devil3Statistics: Posted by the devil3 — December 27th, 2006, 9:58 pm