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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2007-02-15T05:25:05-06:00 2007-02-15T05:25:05-06:00 <![CDATA[The Gods Guide [updated 11.10.06]]]>

Statistics: Posted by Halley92 — February 15th, 2007, 5:25 am

2006-12-22T00:06:29-06:00 <![CDATA[The Gods Guide [updated 11.10.06]]]> Statistics: Posted by Blackmage172 — December 22nd, 2006, 12:06 am

2006-12-21T23:32:50-06:00 <![CDATA[The Gods Guide [updated 11.10.06]]]> For you plan to include the story behind the Ghostly Robes mini-quest in this one? Most people skip out on that one.

Statistics: Posted by Fenrisulfr — December 21st, 2006, 11:32 pm

2006-12-17T13:56:35-06:00 <![CDATA[The Gods Guide [updated 11.10.06]]]> heh the monkey god......
nice guide and well
ive seen lke 100 of these sooooooo
good job

Statistics: Posted by donalduck — December 17th, 2006, 1:56 pm

2006-12-02T05:28:29-06:00 <![CDATA[The Gods Guide [updated 11.10.06]]]> Statistics: Posted by slims79 — December 2nd, 2006, 5:28 am

2006-11-28T02:52:43-06:00 <![CDATA[The Gods Guide [updated 11.10.06]]]>

Statistics: Posted by BlitzAceSamy — November 28th, 2006, 2:52 am

2006-10-13T19:57:26-06:00 <![CDATA[The Gods Guide [updated 11.10.06]]]> Statistics: Posted by Potatohead_1 — October 13th, 2006, 7:57 pm

2006-10-13T17:08:01-06:00 <![CDATA[The Gods Guide [updated 11.10.06]]]>

Statistics: Posted by tipsyGnostalgic — October 13th, 2006, 5:08 pm

2006-10-09T18:40:30-06:00 <![CDATA[The Gods Guide [updated 11.10.06]]]> Statistics: Posted by Potatohead_1 — October 9th, 2006, 6:40 pm

2006-10-09T18:24:56-06:00 <![CDATA[The Gods Guide [updated 11.10.06]]]> Statistics: Posted by Blackmage172 — October 9th, 2006, 6:24 pm

2006-10-08T20:13:44-06:00 <![CDATA[The Gods Guide [updated 11.10.06]]]>
The god of the Monkeys? I suppose there must be one, but who is it?

Statistics: Posted by Potatohead_1 — October 8th, 2006, 8:13 pm

2006-10-07T06:23:22-06:00 <![CDATA[The Gods Guide [updated 11.10.06]]]> Statistics: Posted by BlitzAceSamy — October 7th, 2006, 6:23 am

2006-10-07T02:15:57-06:00 <![CDATA[The Gods Guide [updated 11.10.06]]]>
Major Deities


Minor deities

Amascut (devourer)
Marimbo, the Monkey God

Demi gods


Mahjaratt demi gods


Other Ruler/gods
Evil Bob

As you can see there is going to be a lot of work involved so i could use with some help find out info on a few Gods, in particular:
Marimbo, Monkey God and
Evil Bob

Anyone who contributes information will be thanked and mentioned in the Guide. I also need pictures, saved as .png for the items :)

God's Guide

One of the greatest mysteries of Runescape is that of the Gods, there are many and I am here to sort out fact from fiction. In order to understand the gods, and their place in this world, we will have to take a quick look at the history of Runescape.

A brief history of Runescape

The First Age
This is know as the age of creation, priest and theologians believe this is the time when the Three Gods, Guthix Zamorak and Saradomin, created Runescape, shaping it to their desires. Although this concept is widely agreed upon there is further evidence to suggest that Zamorak and Saradomin were not involved in creating the world. All that is known is that Guthix went into a deep slumber after he created the world.

The Second Age
In this age the gods interacted a lot more with mortals than they do now. During this time, some races rose to power, some which have not survived to today. The intelligent races rose to power, such as the humans.

The Third Age
War! The Gods, Zamroak and Saradomin were at war in these times, other minor deities allied with both. During this age much destruction took place, wiping out some of the weaker races, while other fled, such as the cave goblins of the dorgeshuun tribe. The wars ended when Guthix woke from slumber, halting both armies, and they stopped for they could feel that Guthix was the power of nature itself. Guthix made the Gods sign a treaty, saying that they would stop the wars, and only continue to hold influence over the land through their supporters and followers. This treaty remains today, and if broken it is said that Guthix will purge the land, and recreate Runescape and its life.

The Fourth Age
In this age Mortals rose to power once more, with the races that have survived starting to build permanent settlements, and warring with each other. Now race had stronger power until humans in the north-west discovered the power of runic magics.

With the power of magic, human settlements grew into cities, and places such as Varrock and Falador being established. The cities which would have been incapable of controlling a region now grasped the land and easily maintained control with magic.

This was also the time of the great heroes Robert the Strong and Arrav.

The Fifth Age
This is the time when humans thrived, the great cities flourished and kingdoms grew. Disaster struck in this time however, Zamorakian mages burnt down the Wizards tower, destroying with it the vast knowledge of the ability to make runes. Without these the kingdoms are in jeopardy. They stopped increasing their lands for fear their rune supply would run out.

It is currently the year 169 in the fifth age.

The Gods

Major Deities: Guthix

Minor Deities: Zaros
MonKey God

Demi Gods: Iban

The Mahjarrat Demi Gods: Azzanadra

Other Gods/Rulers
Evil Bob

Major Deities

Guthix: is the god of balance and nature.

Pronunciation: (guh-thix)

Symbol: There is no true symbol of Guthix, as it states in one of its god letters. The squiggle ~~~~~ is commonly associated with Guthix however.

Special Items: These include the Guthix cape, Guthix staff, Guthix armor (Guthix platebody, Guthix full helm, Guthix platelegs, and Guthix kiteshield), Druid robes, silver sickle, book of balance, Guthix mjolnir, Guthix page, Guthix rest, Guthix Balance, Void knight’s items (Void knight’s top, Void knight’s robe Void knight’s gloves Void’s knight’s mace).

Followers: Druids, chaos druids, chaos druid warriors, Juna the snake (Tears of Guthix), gnomes, seers, dwarves, Filliman Tarlock (Nature Spirit)

Guthix is neither male nor female, and is of no race that Runescape knows. Guthix does what needs to be done to balance out chaos and order, respectively the actions of Zamorak and Saradomin. It is seen as neither good nor evil.

Guthix came to Runescape and found a bare world. It chose to shape it to his liking. After this it went into a deep slumber. Guthix woke from this slumber to find the world on the brink of destruction; the land was blackened and pitched from the battles. It halted both armies and they stopped, for they could not match the power of Guthix. It made both Saradmoin and Zamorak leave Runescape, and has them sign a treaty to say that they will only remain to hold power over the lands by their followers and supporters. The strange thing about Guthix is that he does not need followers to continue to have a presence in Runescape, which is why he does not demand it like the others Gods, it seems to draw it's strength from the plane itself.

Statistics: Posted by Potatohead_1 — October 7th, 2006, 2:15 am
