Wasn't quite sure where this belonged, but ultimately I think it would appeal to the DnD crowd more. If you haven't played it, Dominion is a card game where you attempt to build a more efficient deck than your opponent... during play. There are a number of cards in the game, but only ten are allowed in any given game, and they are randomly chosen at the start. Your deck starts with 10 cards (and cycles through them when all are discarded), and you use it to buy action and coin cards to make it more effective. Eventually you want to start buying the otherwise worthless land cards, which are how you win the game. Whoever has the most points when three piles or all of the province cards run out wins.
This game is awesome, and the online client is way better than it used to be. There've been a few issues with it, but overall it's pretty bomb for multiplayer games, and has a decent single player tutorial and campaign to go with it. Best yet, the main set is free, and doesn't require a signup for the multiplayer. Y'all should give it a shot and/or start games with me so I don't have to hunt anyone down myself.Statistics: Posted by bluecoat — March 9th, 2013, 5:42 pm