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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2014-09-25T15:25:22-06:00 2014-09-25T15:25:22-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories (UNBRIDLED WORLD BUILDING!)]]> I have an idea for a shock. Next time you play this with some friends, consider:

Everything that is visible to you, all of your surroundings within your eyesight, defines the extent of your 'reach'. You can reach out and attach your perceptions onto any visible object, as long as a line of sight remains visible between you, and your reach. 
While you are reaching, if something comes between you and your reach point, the connection is terminated, and your perceptions return to your body.
While reaching, you view the world as if you are at the location you are reaching to. You can see, hear, smell, feel and taste everything as if you are right there at the reach point.
For example, if you were walking down a hallway, you could reach out to the wall at the end of the hall. From there you could look around and see if anything was around the corner. Also, you could hold your reach and look back to watch yourself approach your reach point at the end of the hall.

Note: just because you can see one side of an object(like a car or building building) it doesn't mean you can reach to the other side of it. 

Additionally, you must retract a current reach before attempting to place a second one. No leap frogging.

Not sure about whether or not people should be able to identify other people's reaches. The game could be fun either way.

Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — September 25th, 2014, 3:25 pm

2013-03-24T21:10:56-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories (UNBRIDLED WORLD BUILDING!)]]> Issue:There are memory banks, some of them criminal in nature, some of them for protection purposes.

Minutiae:-Brain Banks(BB's) are invented as a place to deposit memories for either safe keeping, or to be retrieved by someone else with a password

initially, major wealthy criminal organisations, as well as governments, invested heavily in developing technology that replicates the human brain. Occasionally, a few governments who were influenced by illegal organisations, were forced to secretly work with them. Eventually, the goal was achieved and named Brain Banks. BB's were used to store information that was sensitive and deemed important enough to lock away in the device. Governmental planning, military intel, and information intended to be preserved, were all saved, and, with the right password, reviewed and transferred to other members in the government.
The government that invented it used it solely for only a short while, before the technology leaked. Other governments and large organisations were the next ones to utilize the knowledge; as they had enough money to invest in creating a replica of the device.
Eventually, a while after the technology leaked, companies made cheaper versions which were sold to individuals who were interested in retaining important information. Unfortunately, the cheaper versions were liable to become corrupt, or eventually lose data over time.

Issue: Criminal syndicates have invested in memory wiping technology to prevent memory from being an issue for a crime.

Minutiae:-surgically removing parts of brain to prevent memories[rarely used anymore]
-Altered BB's erase up to 5 days of memories

After failed attempts of burning victims, the mob bosses learned that they were unable to prevent memory transfers by damaging the site of the transfer.
The next thing they attempted, was surgically removing the hippocampus of new loyal recruits. The procedure of removing the part of the brain that transfers short term memory to long term memory is very risky, and the downside is that the individuals are unable to learn new things and have very short attention spans.
Although this procedure worked, it was very risky; and for that reason, the number of attempted procedures drastically reduced with the invention of Altered BB's.
After the invention of BB's, the criminal organisations illegally modified them to have the machine erase the subjects most recent memories. An Altered BB can remove up to 5 days of memories, before the memory is attached to the mind to strongly for removal.

Issue:Conflicts are caused by dissonance between memories.
-------------------permission from Arya. is this ok with you? since you have the policing topic---------------------
Minutiae:-Judges are appointed to account for, and correct memory dissonance
-standardized testing to identify individual strengths is mandatory for every person.

for serious incidents, memory judges decide who is more accurate; basing their judgement on physical evidence from the situation, as well as utilizing formulas to determine validity and accuracy of each of the witnesses memories.
Variables such as time(the time between the incident, and the recording of the incident), type of memory copied(visual memory V.S. Topographic memory V.S. Flashbulb memory V.S. Semantic memory etc. - compare this to the type that the individual is capable of remembering best) are weighted and averaged to calculate, with the highest probability of accuracy, of the true incident.
Once the quality of the memory is determined for each individual; the memories of all witnesses are combined and averaged with each other to produce one, 'true' replication of the incident in question.
To help; strict annual memory testing is adhered to by all citizens. This will determine what type of memory is strongest and most reliable in each individual.

It is also a common practice to see the tests results used in squabbles, where people are arguing over an issue that is not important enough to warrant legal action.

Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — March 24th, 2013, 9:10 pm

2013-03-20T08:21:29-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories (UNBRIDLED WORLD BUILDING!)]]> Issue: The World is a Very "open" place

Minutiae: There will be no secrets from all the people around you.

There are reasons for secrets and be it that most are for negative reasons, but there are some things that people that hide from the people they are close to to keep them from hurting. Albeit that an open world would increase honesty and there would be no need for all the technology created to discover if people are telling the truth or lying. Also being forced to think about what you do before you act, which is an upside, but that would take the risk and challenge out of life trying to be the "perfect" person knowing if you messed up anyone/everyone would soon know.

Besides how many of us out there truly would not mind every fiber of their being, being known at the slightest touch? Of course if life had begun as this then people would have adapted to accept this, change to be an even better "liar" or just learn to be able to hide parts of your life from inquiries.

Statistics: Posted by Arya — March 20th, 2013, 8:21 am

2013-03-18T03:31:02-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories (Make your claims by Friday)]]> Market Man6 wrote:

k. i will write up some stuff tomorrow if thats all right

Whenever, no rush. I wrote that up in a hurry just as an example, and I'll probably write out more as you guys come up with your minutiae.

Statistics: Posted by bluecoat — March 18th, 2013, 3:31 am

2013-03-17T22:43:38-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories (Make your claims by Friday)]]> Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — March 17th, 2013, 10:43 pm

2013-03-17T22:20:37-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories (Make your claims by Friday)]]> Issue: A science for preserving dreams has formed.

Minutiae: The technology has lead to cult-like sub cultures who dedicate their lives to dream interpretation.

The new dream recording technology has lead to a change in new age cultures, and a new movement believes in the powers of dreams. The fanatics who record their dreams tend to be very wealthy, due to the expensive nature of the technology. There also isn't a unifying belief system of the people who believe in dreams; some think they have prophetic importance, some think they are representations of any world that is or was, some think they are just representations of the past.

-Pengu, I'd like to ask permission to ascribe an artistic meaning to some of the cult views. They consider it a new form of art, but still transmit them via touch in the standard art form (as per your minutiae).

Statistics: Posted by bluecoat — March 17th, 2013, 10:20 pm

2013-03-17T21:52:48-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories (Make your claims by Friday)]]>
Now that we have the issues dealt, you get to declare the minutiae of each of them. A minutiae is a single "fact" about the issue, and all related details of that fact. There can be as many minutiae to an issue as you want. The only thing is, no stepping on toes. If your thing on criminal memory wipes carries over into memory banks, work out that minutiae with the other owner or ask permission to write what you want.

Try to post individual minutiae in separate posts for categorizing purposes. Remember, you have complete reign (within reason) to write what you want, and owners can edit their posts if the group wants to take things in a different direction. I was in a perfectly legitimate sci fi campaign until some guy decided "Kroger Man" was awesome... and everyone agreed. Everything was slightly re-flavored to represent it as a post apocalyptic comedy.

Statistics: Posted by bluecoat — March 17th, 2013, 9:52 pm

2013-03-14T17:38:59-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories (Make your claims by Friday)]]> Statistics: Posted by bluecoat — March 14th, 2013, 5:38 pm

2013-03-09T00:11:26-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories (Issue claims)]]> Most art is obsolete, as touching conveys stories more efficiently.

Conflicts are caused by dissonance between memories.
There are no secrets.

I think we have a very interesting premise on our hands.

Statistics: Posted by PenguinGuy — March 9th, 2013, 12:11 am

2013-03-08T08:41:53-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories (Issue claims)]]>
Romance is weird. Adultery is a highly punishable offence.
Police work is an easy job.

Statistics: Posted by Arya — March 8th, 2013, 8:41 am

2013-03-07T19:59:58-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories (Issue claims)]]> 1-Criminal syndicates have invested in memory wiping technology to prevent memory from being an issue for a crime.

other choices:
2-A science of preserving dreams has formed.
3-There are memory banks, some of them criminal in nature, some of them for protection purposes.
4-Conflicts are caused by dissonance between memories.

Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — March 7th, 2013, 7:59 pm

2013-03-07T19:21:18-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories (Issue claims)]]>
First choice: A science of preserving dreams has formed.

Second choices:
Dictatorships across the world are difficult to form, but once in place, maintain themselves highly effectively.
There are no secrets.
Class stratification, with the worst workers unable to get jobs, and those who are good at certain tasks getting jobs immediately.

I'm not interested in taking on a second issue, but will if it's necessary.

Statistics: Posted by bluecoat — March 7th, 2013, 7:21 pm

2013-03-07T19:15:21-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories (Last call for issues)]]>
The next step is to claim the issues that made it to this round. In the previous step, I only included issues that everyone more or less didn't dislike, and it was a very group oriented task. In this step, we each claim one or more issues that we have complete control over (more or less). I'm going to ask that everyone who is interested in claiming an issue post their first choice issue, as well as three to five second choice issues, and whether they would be willing to claim a second issue. I'll go through and try to make sure that everyone at least gets their first choice.

Once everyone is assigned an issue, we can move onto the minutiae of each one.

Statistics: Posted by bluecoat — March 7th, 2013, 7:15 pm

2013-03-07T09:50:37-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories (Last call for issues)]]> Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — March 7th, 2013, 9:50 am

2013-03-06T02:47:40-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories (Last call for issues)]]> Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — March 6th, 2013, 2:47 am

2013-03-05T23:55:07-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories (Last call for issues)]]>
"Oral" storytelling, telling stories via sharing memories with others, is still the most common form of storytelling, more so than literature, film, or music.

Statistics: Posted by PenguinGuy — March 5th, 2013, 11:55 pm

2013-03-05T20:49:12-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories (Last call for issues)]]> Sayaka wrote:

- Employers instantly know if you'd be a good, hard-working employee or not. People with lifelong dreams and skill are easily hired without needing to prove themselves, and people that are otherwise asses can't even get a job at Wal-mart because everyone already knows they'd just be slacking off and/or stealing from the company. Whether this makes unemployment rampant or causes society as a whole to care more about their futures is your call.

Actually, it's whoever-claims-that-issue's call. If it gets added, I'll sum it up as "Class stratification", and the issue owner can decide the degree.

I'll go through these new ones on Thursday to make sure I'm not adding things people don't like.

Statistics: Posted by bluecoat — March 5th, 2013, 8:49 pm

2013-03-05T20:28:38-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories (Last call for issues)]]> Statistics: Posted by Saten Ruiko — March 5th, 2013, 8:28 pm

2013-03-05T17:58:18-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories]]>
Note: Some of the issues overlapped, so in those cases, I skipped them. Some of Pengu's stuff on culture, for example, seemed like it would fall under the "open society" thing that was already pitched. I also didn't list anything that somebody openly didn't like, such as my "closed culture" pitch. If you don't see your suggestion up and would like to make a case for having them as separate issues, bicker about that now.

After this, we're moving onto issue claims, and that may require some registration or something, I don't know. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it in 48 hours.

Statistics: Posted by bluecoat — March 5th, 2013, 5:58 pm

2013-02-26T01:00:36-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [RP] Shock: Shared Memories]]> Statistics: Posted by Kikori — February 26th, 2013, 1:00 am
