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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2012-04-13T11:35:31-06:00 2012-04-13T11:35:31-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Village wins!]]> Kikori wrote:

Basically, Market, you were bait.

That was the word i was looking for.

Statistics: Posted by Godders — April 13th, 2012, 11:35 am

2012-04-13T11:32:36-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Village wins!]]> Statistics: Posted by Kikori — April 13th, 2012, 11:32 am

2012-04-13T05:52:20-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Village wins!]]> Market Man6 wrote:


Its not because of my mad persuasive skills!!?


No, i realised long before you were being used as a target.

Statistics: Posted by Godders — April 13th, 2012, 5:52 am

2012-04-13T05:46:07-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Village wins!]]>
Its not because of my mad persuasive skills!!?


Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — April 13th, 2012, 5:46 am

2012-04-13T05:39:59-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Village wins!]]> Monk Basher wrote:

Market Man6 wrote:
Also, monk, after you said if you/lander/scar live... Kill you, what was that really supposed to mean? Cause lander said he knew what you were doing, and hoped it worked.

No no, kill *us* - without a proven role claim. Which you guys did regardless of that. :P As for Lander's comment, I can't speak for him, but I'm guessing he was attempting to imply that I was in turn attempting to provoke activity.

Question for Godders: what tipped the scales for voting for Lander over market?

If Lander was a Villager he would have tried to save you because i am sure he would've known that you weren't lying, but he only condemned you as well as Riptide to make himself appear like a Villager.

Statistics: Posted by Godders — April 13th, 2012, 5:39 am

2012-04-12T11:46:46-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Village wins!]]> Market Man6 wrote:

Also, monk, after you said if you/lander/scar live... Kill you, what was that really supposed to mean? Cause lander said he knew what you were doing, and hoped it worked.

No no, kill *us* - without a proven role claim. Which you guys did regardless of that. :P As for Lander's comment, I can't speak for him, but I'm guessing he was attempting to imply that I was in turn attempting to provoke activity.

Question for Godders: what tipped the scales for voting for Lander over market?

Statistics: Posted by Sighence — April 12th, 2012, 11:46 am

2012-04-12T11:14:14-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Village wins!]]> I had the most fun this game out of all of the games I have played. It was rather intense at the end. And at the end, I figured quoting monk(who both godders and I assisted in killing :( ) would get through and speak volumes to godders. This added to a quote from lander himself was my best hope. When that didn't initially work, I sort of haphazardly raced around slapping crap together :P before I submitted my last post about lander rolefishing... I had also had included a quote about him saying how IF scar wasn't lieing, then the mafia would have been on riptides train. I went on to say something to accuse him, but ultimately removed this as it wasn't very convincing and somewhat made me look like scum(as I was on that train, and it wasn't a very well defended point)

Although my play at the beginning wasn't flawless, I was able to improve and had a great time! :D thanks everyone!

Also, monk, after you said if you/lander/scar live... Kill you, what was that really supposed to mean? Cause lander said he knew what you were doing, and hoped it worked.

Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — April 12th, 2012, 11:14 am

2012-04-12T10:52:46-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Village wins!]]> Statistics: Posted by Sighence — April 12th, 2012, 10:52 am

2012-04-12T09:40:51-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Village wins!]]>
I honestly didn't suspect a thing on you until I was dead Lander, so either well played or I am an idiot lol.

Statistics: Posted by Scar — April 12th, 2012, 9:40 am

2012-04-12T07:37:46-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Day Five - Scars]]> Market Man6 - Landerpurex
Godders - Landerpurex

Godders, after having his name cleared as Monk's final act as Jailkeeper, is left to the most difficult decision of his life. One of his two remaining neighbours is the final remaining the scum, a ruthless killer who will stop at nothing to cleanse the town. The other was as innocent as he.

After fierce accusations from both Market and Lander, Godders finally makes his decision. Lander is the scum.

Lander does not even attempt to deny it. He feverishly explains in gory detail how Riptide and he performed all the kills and tricked the town.

Godders says nothing and punches him in the face. Minutes later he hangs.

Landerpurex - Mafia Goon, Lynched Day Five

At long last, it is over. Market and Godders families can sleep in peace. They begin grieving for Scar and their other fallen comrades.


Market Man6 - Villager
Godders - Villager

Very good game! The last two days were especially promising in terms of gameplay and activity. I am particularly proud of Market and Godders, I thought for sure Lander was going to fool you this last day.

I will have plenty more to say in a week when I return from my trip, though Lander has covered a lot.

Statistics: Posted by Topsummoner — April 12th, 2012, 7:37 am

2012-04-12T07:28:22-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Day Five - Scars]]> Statistics: Posted by Godders — April 12th, 2012, 7:28 am

2012-04-12T03:59:36-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Day Five - Scars]]>
Well done, sirrah. Redeemed thyself.

I played incredibly sloppily this time around. But at least it wasn't easy for the town...especially since you guys lynched Monk. :facepalm: Here's some info: Riptide followed Monk N1. We knew he was the jailer all along. But killing him while he was after me would have made me look incredibly scummy. Though the alternative (as I argued) was worse. Until his death, I let Riptide ultimately decide who we killed as well as who he would stalk, hoping he would get some valuable experience. I also did it because I would be a prime jailing candidate, and riptide wouldn't, so we wouldn't be caught if he was carrying out kills. He made almost flawless decisions outside the thread with little direction from me. But his incredibly terrible mistake in the thread speaks for itself, heh. Hat's off to ya, buddy. I also ultimately underestimated Market Man and Godders. Though they seemed a good alternative to dealing with Scar.

If/when I am scum again, don't expect such an easy time.

Now everyone, go sign up for the unknown variant! ;)

Statistics: Posted by Landerpurex — April 12th, 2012, 3:59 am

2012-04-12T03:03:10-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Day Five - Scars]]> Lander

*prays to God i made the right choice*

But i finally made it to the end of a game.

Statistics: Posted by Godders — April 12th, 2012, 3:03 am

2012-04-11T20:24:11-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Day Five - Scars]]> Statistics: Posted by Topsummoner — April 11th, 2012, 8:24 pm

2012-04-11T16:46:27-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Day Five - Scars]]> Market Man6 wrote:

landerpurex wrote:
Doc Henry is a veteran player and every bit as dangerous as myself, Monk, and kikori

all these players are dead.... except one. he knows who is dangerous and killed off the "competition". and left myself, himself, and one other(godders) alive on the final day.
landers reasoning is: market hasnt seen enough games to properly convince godders that he is village. so lander is using that to his advantage, and he is going to try to use all his experience to make you vote against me.

monk basher wrote:

Final note to the newer guys: If Lander, Scar, or I survive today without a proven role, kill us. We've all, along with Kik, seen enough games to play you. Don't let us.

dont let lander play you.


That's what the mafia wants the town to think. Recall that I lived through the entirety of the previous game. I don't understand it either. Normally I'm allowed to live when I'm not on the right track.

Market Man6 wrote:

landerpurex wrote:
What else is there to say, Market? I agree with your reasoning, but it seems you're just trying to buy yourself some time. You're 2/3 votes now, if you've got a role, say so.

this was his massive rolefish.

if he had found out i was more than just a villager, i would not be here right now.

Of course it was a rolefish. I was about to hammer you, and I wanted to make double sure I wasn't going to hammer a role. It's common sense. If you had a role, then would have been the time to come out with it.

In all reality, Market, you're the scummiest person here. I'm kicking myself for leaving you alive and hammering Monk. YOU orchestrated that lynch. I did something I don't normally do: I followed along. Look where it got me. And also, let's not forget your ridiculous exchange with kikori on D1. You pushed, and he pushed back. Hard. You couldn't take it. You killed him.

Your points against me are nonsense. You're basing your vote on the fact that I'm still alive, and on the fact that I was apparently rolefishing when in reality, I was trying to save you. This is the thanks I get. :roll:

I'll put this on Godders' shoulders and hope to God he makes the proper choice this time around.

Market Man6

Statistics: Posted by Landerpurex — April 11th, 2012, 4:46 pm

2012-04-11T15:37:17-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Day Five - Scars]]>
Top: When does Day 5 end?

Statistics: Posted by Godders — April 11th, 2012, 3:37 pm

2012-04-11T15:20:35-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Day Five - Scars]]> landerpurex wrote:

What else is there to say, Market? I agree with your reasoning, but it seems you're just trying to buy yourself some time. You're 2/3 votes now, if you've got a role, say so.

this was his massive rolefish.

if he had found out i was more than just a villager, i would not be here right now.

Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — April 11th, 2012, 3:20 pm

2012-04-11T14:48:49-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Day Five - Scars]]>

Statistics: Posted by Scar — April 11th, 2012, 2:48 pm

2012-04-11T14:33:28-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Day Five - Scars]]> Statistics: Posted by Godders — April 11th, 2012, 2:33 pm

2012-04-11T14:30:21-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Mafia 2of4: Day Five - Scars]]> landerpurex wrote:

Doc Henry is a veteran player and every bit as dangerous as myself, Monk, and kikori

all these players are dead.... except one. he knows who is dangerous and killed off the "competition". and left myself, himself, and one other(godders) alive on the final day.
landers reasoning is: market hasnt seen enough games to properly convince godders that he is village. so lander is using that to his advantage, and he is going to try to use all his experience to make you vote against me.

monk basher wrote:

Final note to the newer guys: If Lander, Scar, or I survive today without a proven role, kill us. We've all, along with Kik, seen enough games to play you. Don't let us.

dont let lander play you.


Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — April 11th, 2012, 2:30 pm
