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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2011-09-19T23:39:57-06:00 2011-09-19T23:39:57-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]>

i cant count how many times i visited this topic to read all the updates

Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — September 19th, 2011, 11:39 pm

2011-09-19T18:31:47-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]>
I, like a Fuzzy Bunny idiot, decided to just not send in a night action. The mafia got owned the next day. :facepalm:

Statistics: Posted by Animal — September 19th, 2011, 6:31 pm

2011-09-18T23:41:08-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]> rediculous. We had decided who to end....
Animal.... :( you have failed us

Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — September 18th, 2011, 11:41 pm

2011-09-18T14:39:44-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]> Market Man6 wrote:

b]we forgot to submit a kill???? huh???????????????????[/b] (night 1 = dr henry attempt(he survived with his upick role)

I did not receive a PM regarding the mafia's kill on Night One, from any member of the mafia. IIRC Henry still had his one kill immunity at the end of the game.

Statistics: Posted by Topsummoner — September 18th, 2011, 2:39 pm

2011-09-16T09:35:47-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]> landerpurex wrote:

Had I actually been near a computer that night I might have accepted the invite, but I declined by default. Meh. I woulda been epic as mafia, I didn't even think. I had a nightkilling role!

that would have been a completely different game with you on our side. you were first picked cause of your experience in the game. and even if you declined, it would be to our advantage to have to silenced :P

Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — September 16th, 2011, 9:35 am

2011-09-15T20:31:29-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]> Scar wrote:

You are U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt. You are aligned with the village. Basically the living incarnation of badass, you will survive a nightkill.... long enough to make one post in the following day-phase, after which you will succumb to your wounds, becoming muted for the remainder of the day phase, and finally, passing away at the end of the phase. Becoming muted does not render your vote invalid. You win when all anti-town roles are eliminated.

DUDE! I seriously was considering Teddy Roosevelt this time.

Market Man6 wrote:

Davesprite wrote:
The inactivity in the day was bad enough, but when we got to the night phase and nearly half the night roles didn't send anything in, even the MAFIA'S KILL, was the point I began to lose interest.

Upick6 - Killed by Inactivity, Day Three

Nobody wins. Nothing to see here.

we forgot to submit a kill???? huh??????????????????? (night 1 = dr henry attempt(he survived with his upick role) .... night 2 we took out landerpurex) mafia. im sure most of you knew this already though. i was attempting to use the "im new blah blah blah" to my advantage.

my role was to attempt to take a villager as an apprentice, and turn them into a mafia.
my first night i tried to take lander.... he refused. got hit for refusing, which made him lose his next 2 days of voting.
my next night i took Dr henry. he accepted, we grew to 3 mafias.

i think i was active enough..... no?

Man, I got trolled hard. I totally did write you off as a noob. Well played indeed.

Had I actually been near a computer that night I might have accepted the invite, but I declined by default. Meh. I woulda been epic as mafia, I didn't even think. I had a nightkilling role!

Statistics: Posted by Landerpurex — September 15th, 2011, 8:31 pm

2011-09-15T13:57:24-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]> Quote:

You are U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt. You are aligned with the village. Basically the living incarnation of badass, you will survive a nightkill.... long enough to make one post in the following day-phase, after which you will succumb to your wounds, becoming muted for the remainder of the day phase, and finally, passing away at the end of the phase. Becoming muted does not render your vote invalid. You win when all anti-town roles are eliminated.

Statistics: Posted by Scar — September 15th, 2011, 1:57 pm

2011-09-15T00:36:54-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]> Market Man6 wrote:

p.s. im mafia. im sure most of you knew this already though. i was attempting to use the "im new blah blah blah" to my advantage.

I was 3rd Party, but i did the same thing, i knew i wasn't balancing out the votes when Scar got killed, i was just being cunning and pretend like i skipped out a page. Day 2 i meant to say.

Well play'd newbie :wink:

Sorry again Scar <3 It was either you on no one, and since i was psychopathic i wouldn't have been acceptable for someone not to be killed.

Statistics: Posted by Godders — September 15th, 2011, 12:36 am

2011-09-15T00:01:15-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]> Davesprite wrote:

The inactivity in the day was bad enough, but when we got to the night phase and nearly half the night roles didn't send anything in, even the MAFIA'S KILL, was the point I began to lose interest.

Upick6 - Killed by Inactivity, Day Three

Nobody wins. Nothing to see here.

we forgot to submit a kill???? huh??????????????????? (night 1 = dr henry attempt(he survived with his upick role) .... night 2 we took out landerpurex) mafia. im sure most of you knew this already though. i was attempting to use the "im new blah blah blah" to my advantage.

my role was to attempt to take a villager as an apprentice, and turn them into a mafia.
my first night i tried to take lander.... he refused. got hit for refusing, which made him lose his next 2 days of voting.
my next night i took Dr henry. he accepted, we grew to 3 mafias.

i think i was active enough..... no?

Statistics: Posted by Market Man6 — September 15th, 2011, 12:01 am

2011-09-14T21:07:23-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]> bluecoat wrote:

You are Don Quixote. You are aligned with the village. During the night phase you can keep watch on a player to find if they are in need of assistance or if there is adventure to be had. You win when all anti-town roles are eliminated.

Stalker/Watcher, basically. Also, it was Pengu in Ex Rex's house with a broadsword. Anxious to see what his role was, since I saw Ex Rex visiting Noob. Pretty sure there was a frame involved.

You mean chainsaw.
Davesprite wrote:

You are Ashley J. Williams. You are aligned with the village. You may perform each of the following night-actions once: attack a player with your chainsaw, defend a player with your prosthetic limb (METAL FIST PUNCH), and (automatic when attacked) defend yourself with your shotgun, protecting yourself from one attack. You win when all anti-town roles are eliminated.

Killed Ex Rex on a hunch. Go big or go home eh?

Statistics: Posted by PenguinGuy — September 14th, 2011, 9:07 pm

2011-09-14T13:32:40-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]> Dr Henry wrote:

I was Crash Bandicoot, my mask saved me from one death (lynch/nightkill) and I was townie...

Then I was asked to join mafia so I accepted :D

I kinda figured you did, just enough that you were going to be my target tonight. The kicker would've been that nobody else would say it tomorrow except a mafia, and when they eventually die, your cover's blown.

Davesprite wrote:

You are Gene Hunt, head of the village's Criminal Investigation Department. During the night phase you can investigate a player to find their role name, but you are somewhat brutal in your methods, and this act will mute them for the next day. You win when all anti-town roles are eliminated.

Sorry about that, Stale.

Statistics: Posted by Sighence — September 14th, 2011, 1:32 pm

2011-09-14T10:37:29-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]> Bro, for the record.

Statistics: Posted by Ex Rex — September 14th, 2011, 10:37 am

2011-09-14T10:36:32-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]> Davesprite wrote:

Wassap brah? You totally hang with them mafia folks, right? And like during the night phase you can visit up one of your village brosifs. They might get super angry and shizz, which would make them look pretty damn aggressive to anyone who cares. (You are a framer) Your mafia bros are TheAnimal, Tru Ninja, Ex Rex and marketman6. You win when the number of mafia is equal to or greater than the number of other players.

Statistics: Posted by Ex Rex — September 14th, 2011, 10:36 am

2011-09-14T10:25:14-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]>
Then I was asked to join mafia so I accepted :D

Statistics: Posted by Dr Henry — September 14th, 2011, 10:25 am

2011-09-14T10:11:53-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]> Davesprite wrote:

You are Steely Mallon. You are aligned with the village. You are one of the classic 'power players' of Runevillage Mafia, excellent at both playing village when mafia, and hunting scum when village. Each time you participate in the lynch of a anti-town or third-party (NOT 'neutral') player, you will receive recognition for your efforts. You win when all anti-town roles are eliminated.

1 Lynch - Immunity to one night-kill
2 Lynches – The ability to nullify one player's vote at the cost of your own (this is done by PMing me. You can change whose vote your are nullifying multiple times, but once you have used this ability there is no way to retrieve your vote for that day!)
3 Lynches – Double-voting (Your second ability would only take away one of your two votes)

Statistics: Posted by Steely Mallon — September 14th, 2011, 10:11 am

2011-09-14T10:05:42-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]> Quote:

You are Don Quixote. You are aligned with the village. During the night phase you can keep watch on a player to find if they are in need of assistance or if there is adventure to be had. You win when all anti-town roles are eliminated.

Stalker/Watcher, basically. Also, it was Pengu in Ex Rex's house with a broadsword. Anxious to see what his role was, since I saw Ex Rex visiting Noob. Pretty sure there was a frame involved.

Statistics: Posted by bluecoat — September 14th, 2011, 10:05 am

2011-09-14T01:11:39-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]>
"You are the city of Berlin, divided in half by the Berlin Wall. You are aligned with the village. All night-actions have a 50% chance of working as desired on you (kills could fail, protections could fail, investigations could come up mafia, etc.). You win when all anti-town roles are eliminated."

Statistics: Posted by Rory — September 14th, 2011, 1:11 am

2011-09-13T21:12:49-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]> Davesprite wrote:

The inactivity in the day was bad enough, but when we got to the night phase and nearly half the night roles didn't send anything in, even the MAFIA'S KILL, was the point I began to lose interest.

Upick6 - Killed by Inactivity, Day Three

Nobody wins. Nothing to see here.


Sad, but I can't say I blame you.

Statistics: Posted by Landerpurex — September 13th, 2011, 9:12 pm

2011-09-13T20:36:03-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]>
Davesprite wrote:

You are Willy Wonka, the wonderful candy-man. You are aligned with the village. The first five players to visit you during the night will gain double-voting for the following day phase. During the day phase, you must speak in an erratic fashion, switching languages, breaking into song, being rather unsympathetic, all that fun stuff. OR ELSE YOU WILL DIE. (i'm not going to be very strict about this one) You win when all anti-town roles are eliminated.

Statistics: Posted by Tanksandguns — September 13th, 2011, 8:36 pm

2011-09-13T19:18:20-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: Upick 6: Day 3]]> Statistics: Posted by Topsummoner — September 13th, 2011, 7:18 pm
