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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/session.php on line 1024: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428)
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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /feed.php on line 174: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /feed.php:428) Where Gamers Escape! 2008-03-17T13:35:32-06:00 2008-03-17T13:35:32-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers (chapter 9 posted)]]> Statistics: Posted by sammich — March 17th, 2008, 1:35 pm

2008-03-16T16:05:50-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]> This chapter is much longer than normal, due to the fact I wanted to include the first few seconds of the battle of Seer's village.

666- I have a large amount of characters already. And the only JMod I planned to include in this story doesn’t survive the battle of Seer’s Village.
Rat- Your character appears in this chapter.
Tahu- yes, Tahu gets his crossbow back.

Chapter 9

The Ambush

“Autoers? Take over Gielinor? They’re horrible at fighting! A few dozen good knights could wipe all of them out…” Tahu said.
“I’m afraid not. They have a new weapon that could, if used properly, destroy a city the size of Falador in less than an hour. ”
“WHAT?!?” Daran exclaimed.
“It will be a hard task, but you three must stop it. If you three do not stop it, I fear the world of Gielinor will fall.”
“How are three people supposed to stop something that powerful?” Jessy asked.
“By preventing it from ever existing.”
“How are we supposed to do that?”
“By stopping it from being built. Use the fairy ring code AQE to destroy what’s left of it.”
“Allright, who are you? Why are you giving us this information?”
“I am ….” at this point a voice came from somewhere “What’s Guthx up to?”
“I think he is teleporting something” another voice answered.
“TELEPORTING!?! That’s a direct violation of the Third Age Treaty!” the first voice put in.
“Why are you telling us this?” Daran repeated.
“Because the autoers will destroy the balance”
“OH” Daran stated, realizing that he was speaking to Guthx.
There was the sound of someone running, then a loud crash.
“You must hurry to seer’s village. You will meet a group there and they will teach you how to use ‘Report’.…” before it could finish what it was saying, another being appeared, and fired a teleport spell at Daran. The world went purple as they began to teleport. Before he passed out from the teleport’s effects, he heard a voice growl “Teleporting mortals into this realm is a direct violation of the Third Age Treaty that you yourself created!”

Seer’s village, ten minutes later.

Three people walked up the road to Seer’s village talking excitedly about something.
“…I never actually used “Report” before ” Tahu stated. “but I heard somewhere that it does enormous amounts of damage to Autoers.”
“ from what I understand “Report” can only damage Autoers and dishonest people. Normal, honest people are immune to it.” Jessy said.
“In case you didn’t notice, I was captured by the Autoers. If someone fires “report” at me It could very well do as much damage to me as it does to an Autoer”
“Well, when they used you to attack the temple knight castle I fired a report spell at you and it seemed to disconnect you from their mind control…”
“Unit 15243. Report status and re-assign yourself to the garrison at Seer’s village.” Tahu stated, in a voice much higher than his normal one.
“What was that?!” Daran asked.
“What was what?” Tahu replied
“You just stated “Unit 15432. Report status and re-assign yourself to the group at Seer’s village” in the weirdest voice. Sounded almost like a machine. ”
“I did not say anything.”
“Yes, you did”
“No, I didn’t”
“Yes, you did”
“No, I didn’t”
“Daran’s right. You did say something about re-assigning yourself to a group at Seer’s village.”
“I didn’t say anything!”
“Yes you did! I heard you!”
The argument would have gone on, but Daran was busy arguing and not watching where he was going.

Rat 611 was standing, arguing about the price of yew logs, and not aware of the three people walking toward him.

“Yes, you…oof!” Daran stated, as he collided with Rat, sending them both sprawling.
“Ouch!” Rat commented, picking himself up.
“Sorry” Daran said, scrambling to his feet. “I was thinking about the Autoer problem and not watching where I was going.”
“No, it was my fault for standing in the middle of the street” Rat replied “and the Autoers are a worry to everyone. Inflation is getting rampant these days.”
“Well, I was just given a quest to stop them from building some sort of super-weapon.”
“What kind of a weapon?”
“All I was told is that it could level a city the size of Falador in less than an hour.”
“That sounds dangerous! Can I join your quest?”
“Jessy? Tahu? What do you think?”
“We could probably use another warrior” Tahu said.
“I agree” Jessy put in.
“Then I guess you can join!” Daran said
“Good. Where are we going?” Rat asked.
“I assume that that is the group we were supposed to meet?” Jessy stated a moment later, seeing a large group of people walking up the road from East Ardugne.
“I assume that’s them, considering that most of them are moderators, and I think one of them is a J-moderator.” Rat stated.
“What’s a J-moderator?” Daran thought, as he walked toward the moderators, which was quickly and quietly surrounding a group of autoers. The four adventurers had just reached the group when a bolt flew out of nowhere and struck the ground near Tahu’s feet. Quickly, Tahu looked for whatever had launched it, but saw nothing. Then a few more bolts flew out of the nearby trees. A second later, most of the moderators were praying for protection from arrows as they returned fire. Daran, however, had never been much good at praying, and was only able to ask for protection from magical attacks.

“Charge primary weapons!” Stip ordered, as he angled his huge machine until its powerful weapons were pointed at Daran. “Prepare for firing” Stip ordered, as he pulled the lever that began the firing sequence.

Statistics: Posted by sm12905 — March 16th, 2008, 4:05 pm

2008-03-15T19:10:15-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]> ...Did Tahu get his crossbow back yet?

Statistics: Posted by Tahu 1000 — March 15th, 2008, 7:10 pm

2008-03-15T13:08:32-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]> Statistics: Posted by sammich — March 15th, 2008, 1:08 pm

2008-03-15T09:08:18-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]> Statistics: Posted by Rat King — March 15th, 2008, 9:08 am

2008-03-15T08:19:51-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]> Statistics: Posted by sm12905 — March 15th, 2008, 8:19 am

2008-03-15T05:21:25-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]>


Statistics: Posted by Stip45 — March 15th, 2008, 5:21 am

2008-03-15T05:14:45-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]>

Statistics: Posted by sammich — March 15th, 2008, 5:14 am

2008-03-14T17:46:57-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]> Statistics: Posted by Rat King — March 14th, 2008, 5:46 pm

2008-03-14T16:20:37-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]> Statistics: Posted by sammich — March 14th, 2008, 4:20 pm

2007-10-22T15:47:23-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]>
Rat- Your character appears in this chapter.

After re-reading this chapter, I decided that it wasn't as well written as my other chapters. I am rewriteing it and will re-post it soon.

Statistics: Posted by sm12905 — October 22nd, 2007, 3:47 pm

2007-10-14T14:39:52-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]> Statistics: Posted by Tahu 1000 — October 14th, 2007, 2:39 pm

2007-10-14T14:10:33-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]>

Anyway, nice chappy. The plot thickens.


Statistics: Posted by Stip45 — October 14th, 2007, 2:10 pm

2007-10-13T14:58:52-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]>
Top- I guess that would be OK.
Chapter 8

Tahu struggled to sit up, but the energy cage held him fast, and he eventually gave up. “What’s all this about? Why am I trapped?” he asked. “Should we answer it?” someone asked. “I don’t see how it would hurt” another voice stated. “Where am I?” Tahu asked. “In the temple knight castle” the voice replied.
“What happened? The last thing I remember is being attacked by autoers in the wilderness, and then I was waking up here.”
“You aren’t an autoer?”
“No, I’m not!!”
“Well, you were apparently used by the autoers to raid the castle.”
“I’m not an autoer!”
“I didn’t say that you were. We think that you were taken over by the autoers.”
“Taken over!? How?”
“We don’t fully understand it, but all autoers have something affecting their brain, similar to the “Sea Slugs”. The only thing that can damage that “thing” is the “report” spell. Usually it destroys all mental processes, killing the autoer, but in your case, it seemed to disengage it from you.”
“Report? Isn’t that like really dangerous?”
“No, it isn’t. However, it can be unpredictable. It will sometimes miss an obvious target, it will sometimes do nothing if it hits, but it will also go through any defense and kill an autoer instantly. Our research indicates that it can only be used by honest people, as it will backfire on a dishonest person…”
“I wish I would have known that….”
The conversation was interrupted by another horrible-sounding noise from Daran. Quickly, the person, which Tahu now recognized as the head of the lunar mages in the temple knight castle, spun around and adjusted a control on the foot of Daran’s cot.
“What happened?” Daran asked, as the magic field around him disappeared.
“You were ambushed by an unknown type of Autoer. Considering the amount of damage it did to our castle, you’re lucky to be alive.”

Tahu tried to hear more of the conversation, but he began to feel extremely sleepy. Just as he passed out he heard a strange voice state “Your attempt to resist us is futile. You will die.”

Daran just suddenly collapsed, and vanished in a flash of purple light.

Jessy 777777 was the only one of the three who was able to recognize the teleport spell.
It was a tele-other, but of a very uncommon type, and very powerful.
She quickly tried to cast a counter spell, but that used up the last of her energy. She passed out, and was quickly by teleported away.

Daran awoke suddenly. He wasn’t sure where he was, and he couldn’t see his surroundings very well. As his eyes adjusted to the blinding, orangesh-red light flooding the area, he saw four other figures. One was the mage he had rescued, three of them he couldn’t recognize. “Where am I?” Daran demanded. “In another plane…” One of the figures stated.
“How did I get here?” Daran interrupted.
“I brought all of you here…”
“Why?” Daran interrupted again.
“I will tell you, if you stop interrupting me every five seconds”
“You are probably aware of the “autoers” as you call them….”
“I’m supposed to be on a mission to stop them”
“They have flooded into the lands of Gielinor, and, despite the best efforts of many people, they now make up over half the population. Inside of two weeks, they will begin a takeover of Gielinor.”

Statistics: Posted by sm12905 — October 13th, 2007, 2:58 pm

2007-09-26T18:57:36-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]> Statistics: Posted by Topsummoner — September 26th, 2007, 6:57 pm

2007-09-26T16:14:27-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]>
If you read my story, please post your thoughts. The name is "A Rat's Tale"....and yes, there is a pun intended in the name

Statistics: Posted by Rat King — September 26th, 2007, 4:14 pm

2007-09-26T15:34:21-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]>
Top-a major part of my plot depends on “report abuse” being a spell, not a projectile.

Rat- I will include your character.

Tahu-Yes, Tahu still has his crossbow.

Statistics: Posted by sm12905 — September 26th, 2007, 3:34 pm

2007-09-25T15:51:04-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]> Statistics: Posted by Topsummoner — September 25th, 2007, 3:51 pm

2007-09-25T15:12:26-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]> Statistics: Posted by Rat King — September 25th, 2007, 3:12 pm

2007-09-23T09:03:44-06:00 <![CDATA[Re: [N] Revenge of the Autoers]]> Statistics: Posted by Tahu 1000 — September 23rd, 2007, 9:03 am
