Agility Arena
The agility arena is a fairly-new complex located on Brimhaven, which is located
to the left of Karamja. The course is P2P only. To enter the agility arena, you
need 200 gold coins, and I have heard it is great experience. You get tickets
by tagging a 'booth' that is located with red arrows on your mini-map. Every tagged
booth gives you 1 ticket. You can redeem these tickets for great rewards.
This is a direct quote from Jagex on July 27th, 2004:
"Brimhaven Agility Arena"
"The enterprising Cap'n Izzy No-Beard invites you to the Brimhaven Agility Arena,
entry is only 200 gp! The entrance is the bamboo hut in the north-east part of
The Agility Arena is a huge cavern of platforms connected by traps and obstacles.
There are many different routes to get around the agility arena, you are much
more likely to fail the obstacles on some routes than on others, some ways can
not even be taken until you reach a certain agility level.
One platform is marked by a flashing arrow, try and make your way to it. Every
minute a different platform will become the one with the flashing arrow instead.
If you tag more than one pillar in a row then you will receive a ticket. You won't
get a ticket at the first pillar but you will for every pillar you tag after that.
If you miss a pillar then you will miss out on the next ticket so try and get
as many as you can! You can save up these tickets and trade them in for more agility
experience or for some items which you can't get anywhere else.
There is no agility requirement but players with low agility will find it difficult
to get any tickets. As your agility level increases and you can take more routes
through the arena and you start to fail the traps and obstacles less you will
begin to get significantly more tickets."
The agility arena apparently greatly increases how fast you get agility experience.
1 ticket redeemed is 260 agility experience. This is a great alternative for the
people who hate doing the Gnome agility course, and the Barbarian Outpost course.
A great idea by Jagex? I would like to think so, but that is my opinion.
I went around interviewing some people on their thoughts about this Agility Arena.
Bloodvamp said:
"IMHO, I think it is a great improvemnt especially for someone who is fast, knows
the course, and can get tickets one after another without missing any. A person
who wants to get 67 agility can EASILY reach his/her goal from 50 agility. 1k
tickets gives about 260k experience to agility. Not to mention it is great for
herblore also, with being able to buy herbs for around 3 tickets each."
Zmagic had another opinion:
"Personally, I think it's a waste of time. The tickets are hard to get and you
only get 1 at a time. Why get tickets that take a looooong time to get when you
can go to the agility course in the wilderness and get over 900xp per round? Sure
the pirate hook looks cool, but with 1 ticket each round you can get only 60 in
an hour and you need 1000 for 260000 xp. Why do that when you can get about 1800
xp in 2 rounds at the agility course? The agility course in the wildy is much
faster then the dungeon"
So as you can see, people have different opinions on the Agility Arena. It really
all depends on your agility level, how determined you are, and how fast you can
tag ticket booths. It is quite humorous seeing your character dodge the darts
like 'The Matrix'
Try the agility arena for yourself! Be careful though, bring food, a full inventory
of it.
Written by- Majik Pk
Proofread by- Majik Pk
Coded By:
Majik Pk