The RV Toolkit!
Is It Really All That Good?
The much awaited official RV toolkit
is drawing ever closer to release. A team of programmers from the Vilage
have been working hard to bring us this useful addition to the RS game.
So what exactly does it contain ?
Fire Kat kindly took time out to answer some questions on the progress
and what we can expect from it :
This is Fire Kat and I’m here
to tell you about the Rune Village Toolkit.
Q1: What will the toolkit have?
A1: The tookit will have the following features
*Built in Combat Calculator and How many more mosters to kill etc.
*Calculators for all skills
* A max hti cacluator
* Maps of different Place
*A highscore Pinger to recieve Stats Yes i am working out the code.
* MAYBE a monster database... I need help if I will do this.
*Chat Rooms to talk to fellow RVERs
* Guides for quests etc.
* Guides for skills
* Skull Countdown
* Snap shot hotkey that save the picture in to a directory
* Also some other features
Q2: What will the Toolkit be Programmed
A2: Visual Basics Version 6.0
Q3: Who is Programming the RV Toolkit?
A3: Me: Fire Kat , D3c0d3d , Jimbo229, and 1cemage ( Well kinda)
Q4: Can I help pl0z!?
A4: Yes you can help here are the following ways to help:
1. Submit Info such as guides , combat info, etc
2. Submit a Monster to my assemblibing monster database.
i. Must include
Extra Notes:
Picture: ( I will crop to right size)
3.Join the Programming team... Probally Pm hiker about being added to
the private section
Q5: When will the toolkit be released
to the public?
A5: When it is done
Q6: Is it going to be open source?
A6: Sorry, No
.{Extra Notes}
Yes you will be ment ioned in the credits if you help.
Contanct Me for more info at :