RS History, from the begining (Part 1) Beta 1

In the begining of Runescape there was only ONE MAIN city, lumbridge, everything else was just a blur too me, but then more and more people started to join then varrock was added on, then new plates began to be sold, best being mithril, new quests, glitches everywhere, scams known as the upgrade was being done, me myself, never had enough heart to scam any one, so i didn't i did however start my clan (rs destroyers) then all of a sudden a few days after with the pk system being introduced, new classes of people had been added, wizards, miners, rangers, adventures, and warriors, i started as a adventurer on one and a wizard on the other. I later came across a new skill, crafting, falador had just been made, purple strength potions came around the market, rune armour didn't exist, no armour better than addy, when the first addy plate was made, it was 500k, people flocked crazily to buy. The old high scores and old forums had been taken away, the first christmas drop was on its way, RS went down, new updates came out, a month b4 halloween prices went up, from runes being 1 gp to being 50, from new runes being 100gp to being 1k, a swarm of noobs had almost ruined the game, pumpkins where dropped, then later came crackers, then the beta was at end, the 2001 was finally here, and thats the summary of the beta from here.


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