Are you tiring of adventures? Had
your fill of mining 10,000 coal rocks a day for no pay and
finger ache? Money mysteriously vanishing from your bank
account?! Then Spooksprings (aka J.M.B.) has the perfect
answer for you! Newly acquired lands in delightful West
Ardougne, by the famous Noob squad Inc, have been given
the makeover, with a 100 exclusive new player houses being
built on prime brown field land, by gracious permission
of his most Noble Majesty King Lythas.

Spooksprings Player House (Modelled by
the delectable Spooketta)
These attractive one-story
houses are ideal for the adventurer, tradesman or family man.
They feature proximity to civilian mod cons such as water
and food! Security so tight, they’ll even ask you for
id to leave! Close to the spiritual Iban religious center,
this area is COMPLETELY disease free, with an interesting
close-knit native community. Features rare rodent wildlife,
and free weekly fumigation!
These houses are being snapped up faster than a Dragon Medium
at a drop party! Place your deposit NOW! And get a 0% cash
back guarantee! 99% of houses guaranteed clear of effervescent
peasants! Remember to place your mark on YOUR exclusive Spooksprings
Player House, because X Marks The Spot!

West Ardougne, Location, Vocation, Association.
Spooksprings, a mature and level headed
businessman, proprietor of 'The Villagers' sister paper, 'Planet
NoobSquad', is a twenty something one time adventurer from the
lands of Camelot, related by association to the noble Knights
of The Round Table. Spooksprings, a boy’s favorite, has
a blemish free estate management record, and will guarantee
your player house satisfaction, or a plague on West Ardougne!
(Your house and its contents
are at risk of barbaric marauding if parish tithes are not
regularly forthcoming. Spooksprings, Planet NoobSquad and
its associates cannot guarantee permanent exclusion of free
borne germ agents, so make sure you purchase some Spooksprings
Medieval Medical Insurance today!).
By Spooksprings (J.M.B.) 2004 Editor of ‘Planet
exclusively for ‘The Villager‘. Pictures by permission
of Jagex Inc.