F2p vs P2P
On Feburary 17, 2004 Jagex announced new support changes
regarding free playing members (f2p) versus pay to play members
This decision by Jagex spawned lively discussions on the
forums from the Runvevillage users as to whether the five
dollar monthly online gaming fee justifies whether pay to
play members deserve better customer support versus the free
to play members that do not pay but yet, still want the same
customer support service as they have been receicveing so
The decision also led to the question of frequent updates
in the forums as a result regarding the pay to play members
servers versus the free to play servers also.
Jagex also released the number of players having active accounts
as 660,000 players.
The above changes spawned quite a few topics on the Runevillage
Forum. One discussion was stated "Let's settle the f2p
and p2p thing...." This was a hotly debated spool regarding
whether f2p players should have the same updates and customer
support as member servers. Another Runevillager asked this
question in the forum also "Is Jagex being partial?"
by taking a poll. Still another topic was posed that there
should be a rule against f2p/p2p discrimination. His suggestion
was there should be no more hostility and or flaming on this
topic of who gets what on p2p and who gets what on f2p. He
likened it to a sort of discriminatin rule - meaning you are
not allowed to flame or tease someone regarding their views
on f2p versus p2p.
The decision by Jagex to reduce the customer support side
of free to play members services while expanding the customer
support side to further enhance the pay to play members services
will no doubt be a long and debatable topic for many forums
to come in the future. Will Jagex reverse it's decision in
the future? Will more free to play members switch over to
pay to play servers as a result of this decision? Only time,
money and the number of members will foretell the future of
6cats ^.^