By: Joe
Hidden in a corner of the bank. Too scared to look around the corner. You thought Player versus Player worlds were going to be the best thing ever. You were wrong. As thousands of people crowd around the gates of Lumbridge, preparing themselves for battle. You whimper in the corner, scared to come out from your hiding place. You can hear the chants of other players in the back of your head as they count down to the Player versus Player update being released. You sit in your corner for the next few minutes. Disappointed in yourself for being so cowardly.
Then you think of all your past ancestors. The brave and famous warriors to whom it would be a daily basis to go out and slay the Corperal Beast. You wonder why their braveness wasn't passed down the family to you.
Why, instead of slaying dragons and other foul beats for a living, would you rather sit at Lumbridge castle and spin Flax all day so you could afford you food at night. Why was your favourite teddy bears arm's more muscle than yours?
Why were you such a weakling...?
It was like you had been slapped in the face by your ancestor’s angry fist. You realised you just had to believe in yourself. You had the fighting pedigree in your blood. You were no wuss. You were no coward. You should be the one out there, ahead of all the weak fan boys. YOU are the mighty and powerful fighter.
You proudly stood up form your corner. You felt like a totally different man. You valiantly swipe your Long sword from it's sheath and rush outside. You see the thousands of people fighting each other. Hacking at each others head with various types of brutal weapons.
Behind you, you hear a voice. Your old teacher back at archery school. "This is madness" he exclaimed. "A weakling like you wouldn't last a minute out there".
He never did really believe in you. Time to prove him wrong…