The Random Club - Episode 2 - Big News
By: Topsummoner
Ever feel like doing something REALLY random, and had no-one to do it with? Have no fear, the random club is here!The Random Club is a group of young adults who hang out at the Random Lodge, the location of which changes weekly… and each time it changes, it’s entirely random!
The club founder is none other than the famous Jimmay Noxington… Well, he’s not really famous, but the rest of the Random Club refer to him like he’s some sort of famous celebrity. He has short, dark hair, and blue eyes.
The other members each have their own quirks and each one contributes to making every random idea as wacky as possible.
- Club Smart ‘Alek’… literally. Meet Alek Stors, who, although possessing a lot of knowledge, doesn’t fall under the geek category. He usually comes up with more ideas than any other member. He has short, blond hair with hazel eyes.
- Club Gamer, Nick Roll. If the club manages to get a Lodge with power, you’ll find Nick lugging in his XBOX 360, PS3, or Wii. If the Lodge lacks electricity, Nick will bring in his DS or PSP. Some of the things the club does is try to accomplish random stuff on his many games… like jam to Trogdor on Expert Mode. He has medium length, brown hair with matching eyes.
- Club Cheerleader, Lizzy Coochard. When not hanging out with the random club, Lizzy can be found practicing her cheers. She tends to act like everything requires a little prep and spirit, and usually is cheering for the rest of the Random Club as they go about their wacky hobbies. She has long, blond hair and blue eyes.
- Club DUUUUUDE, Braydon Tanner. Braydon dresses and acts like a skateboarder, but doesn’t actually skateboard. The only word he ever says is ‘dude’ and variations on it. He has short brown hair, and blue eyes.
When we last saw the Random Club, Jimmay had gone to The Random Lodge, only to find Braydon there with a sinister plot in mind… Meanwhile, Lizzy and Nick heard the terrible news… A plane had crashed into the school.
“Dude,” repeated Braydon, a cold and serious look in his eye, completely out of character. “Tommorow’s ’Random Event’… We’re going to rob the corner store.”
A long moment of silence ensued. A tumbleweed passed. All was silent. And then…
Braydon burst out laughing.
“Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude!” he shouted, and Jimmay instantly knew. “You’re too easy.”
Jimmay hung his head, staring at the ground. He then looked up at Braydon, fire in his eyes. “Don’t do that again, idiot.”
“No,” said a new voice, coming from the shade of a nearby tree. “Tomorrow will be much more fun, AND much more legal.”
“Alek, you were in on this too? I’ll get you two back for this I swear…”
Carry on my wayward son! There’ll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest. Don’t you cry no more!
Jimmay flipped open his cellphone. “Yes?”
“-plane, -ool, -de-de-de-de-destroyed.”
“There’s a plane at the pool? What’s destroyed? Who is this?”
“Life… no meaning now!”
“Calm down!” shouted Jimmay into the phone.
“-gone, forev-” “Nick, give me the phone.”
“What’s going on?”
“It’s a scrap yard.”
Jimmay finally realized it was Lizzy on the phone and he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
Alek coughed, and kept talking. “As I was saying, tomorrow, we’re going to throw a shovel at a beehiv-… Erm, Jim, what’s wrong?”
Jimmay threw his phone at Alek, who caught it. “Ask her yourself.” Jimmay quickly ran off into the forest, towards the street.
Lizzy quickly explained the situation to Alek over the phone, who in turn explained it to Braydon. “Dude… that sucks kinda.”