An Interview With: Mageman
By: ~Paws~
1. What is your birth name and your age according to your birth certificate?
My name is Paul A. Brown and I am 15 years old since August.
2. When did you first join the village and how did you find out about it?
I joined the village about 3 years ago and found out about it after looking for help with quests in Runescape.
3. So, how has your time here been?
It's been great, I've met kind intelligent people and enjoyed every last minute of my time here.
4. When did you first get involved in the staff side of things and what made you want to do it?
I first got involved with the staff side of things by creating maps of the various locations around Runescape which then led me to the Villager and guide writing, editing and coding.
5. This being a runescape fansite you must have played runescape sometime, do you still play or have you quit?
I used to be an avid player of Runescape but over the last few months I’ve found my interest dwindling down into nothing, I cancelled my membership last month.
6. What would you say is your favourite forum?
Hmm... That's a toughie though I've probably got to say the General Pictures forum or the Lumbridge Lounge due the humorous pictures and the dramas that occur in the Lumbridge Lounge, especially the "Hi, my name is Jenny" drama.
7. Have you made any good friends while being here?
I'd like to think I've made a fair few, Janrok being one of them along with Willowguy, Donub and loads more.
8. What do you find most enjoyable about RV?
The most enjoyable part of RV is the friendly atmosphere and the way that we're like a community.
9. How is life with a blue name different to that with a normal?
It's strange but that's probably because I'm not used to it.
10. Do you prefer to have all the extra responsibility?
I don't really mind to be honest.
11. If given the chance, would you take up a future roll of staff mod/admin?
Most likely, yeah.