Spot the Error #4Welcome, Villager readers, to Spot the Error #4! I know you're all anxious to see who won last month's puzzle, so let's go ahead and start with that! The answer to last month's picture was--High Alchemy! Low Alchemy takes 1 Nature Rune and 3 Fire Runes to cast, and it's highlighted. High Alchemy takes 1 Nature Rune and 5 Fire Runes to cast, but what's this? I've got a Fire Staff equipped, and can cast spells over High Alchemy! For that reason, there's no way I shouldn't have been able to use it. A total of sixteen people got it right! And guess what--I've decided to give out two prizes instead of one! That means everyone has a one in eight, or 12.5% chance of winning! I won't delay it any longer. *fires up the random number generator* Here are the winners, and what they've won! Winner #1: Faz! Faz has won 200 Monkfish/Lobsters (depending on p2p/f2p), either an Addy (t) Skirt or Legs (his choice), and a Black Dragonhide Body! Winner #2: Judge! Judge has won 100 Monkfish/Lobsters, (depending on p2p/f2p), and a Lava Battlestaff! Congratulations, guys! Sorry to the other fourteen, but hey, I'll probably do this again in the future! Monkfish are easy enough to catch. Well, the last order of business is to give you all this month's puzzle. Compared to last month's puzzle, it's super easy. Follow this link to view it! (You don't have to PM me the answer to this one, since there's not a reward. I'll tell you in the next issue anyway!) See you next month! Written by: Jaron Edited by: Mageman Coded by: J@nr0k |