Interview with...Tooooon!Hello everybody! Welcome to the show! Tonight we have an interview with our resident Nut Pie! Yes! That is right! Interview with... Tooooon! Commencing now! dr henry: Alrighty then! I'm going to say a word, and you reply with the first word which comes into your mind! Got it? Tooooon: Spain. dr henry: Food. Tooooon: Pie. dr henry: Pie. Tooooon: Food. dr henry: Tooooon. Tooooon: blarg! dr henry: Runevillage. Tooooon: Gravilitiously spiffing with a free mini bar in the top left hand side (next to the fountain of death like marshes). dr henry: Hiker. Tooooon: Rekih, the one whom needs to touch more donkeys, for his lack of touchings may cause loss of hair and french breadsticks to go 100% insane. dr henry: Dr Henry Tooooon: The person giving me an interview and whom is currently drunk after injesting high amounts of alcholic beverages, and has a weird obsession with wasps in blue bubbles. dr henry: *Cough*white bubble*cough* The Villager. Tooooon: A Paper involving news without the paper part (whoo for trees *watches them start dancing before realising that they are surrounded by a high amount of lumberjacks in Seers village). dr henry: Bob. Tooooon: Ahar, the Cat or the random Big Issue selling Hobbo currently tugging on my shoe for a pencil case. dr henry: Spork. Tooooon: No no, I mean do yee mean Bob zee cat, or Bob zee Village of rune person who has now stolen my shoe and is running off muttering something about the end of the world. dr henry: Both you wubbling maniac! Spork! Tooooon: As maniacical than the normallity of the space time contiumm and lack of intergalactic space dwelling currently under my skirt! And in answer to your word.... Savior of the universe for when in dire need of either a fork, or a spoon! dr henry: World Hunger. dr henry: Go on and answer, or no pie for you. Tooooon: When a planet gets hungry, I tend to stay away... especially when it has the ability to throw moons at me, but in references to the hunger within zee good ole groovy Earth... Let their be pie! dr henry: Shortage of pastry. Tooooon: Apologies. Tooooon: I couldn't resist. dr henry: Life of Brian. Tooooon: Brian eh? The only Brian I knew used his nipplets as rockets for an attempted first nude trip to mars.... it failed. dr henry: This is going to be read by children. dr henry: Good answer. XD Tooooon: As long as children dont follow in his wake.... then tis' perfectly PG13! Tooooon: Ooo brb, dinnar. dr henry: Pie! Tooooon: Steak and kidney baby. ![]() dr henry: I had steak and mushroom. Tooooon: Bark. dr henry: Woof. Tooooon: Tingle. dr henry: Big Nose Goblins. Tooooon: Stop picking on good ole Henner yee evil flabjackerly spanglemonkey! dr henry: How very dare you! Henner is my good friend, we share part of our name. dr henry: The End of the World. Tooooon: Darnnnn youuu quicheeee! Tooooon: Not that I'd ever allowed them to take over *gets his pet donkey out*. dr henry: The End of the Interview. Tooooon: Theres an end? Are you sure your not just attempting to distract me while glaring at that ladies leggins whom happens to be sitting behind me while im typing this groovy textualness? dr henry: Well, the end of this part, I got to ask you the questions next... dr henry: But those leggins are good. Tooooon: Ooooo sounds groovyily good to moi! (and indeed, they are). dr henry: What is your name? Tooooon: Tooooon. dr henry: How old are you? Tooooon: Squishy Human self, the good ole age of 18! Otherwise, no idea since im too blue in zee hair department to take notice. dr henry: What is your favourite hobby? Tooooon: Oooo it must be travelling, and the consumption and spread of the loverly pastry like good we all love! Tooooon: And speaking of which, I always ponder why trains from Birmingham in jolly ole england are always late. Tooooon: Them silly barn pottings dr henry: What pastry? Puff Pastry? dr henry: Ok then, now my wife, what is your favourite forum on the forum known as Rune Village forums, a fansite with forums based on RuneScape which is nothing like RuneScape forums? Tooooon: Indeedy doo, if it was zee runescapian forums, there would be at least 8 fuzzy bunnies within a 10 word topic description. But anyhoo, I must say I shall always have a special place within my red pulsating heart for good ole Genny Pics. Ooo and zee Party Forum! But they all be rocking more than Aunt Roy's rocking chair. dr henry: What 3 pieces of advice do you want to share with RV? Tooooon: Dont pick up hitchhikers (especially Hiker). dr henry: Two more. Tooooon: Everything is true, apart from zee lies... dr henry: Finally. Tooooon: (and truth is a lie too since a lying in a bed will bring you to a fluffy state of sheepness in which you shall then go "Hmmm"). Tooooon: Eat pie! Tooooon: But not ma pie. Tooooon: *Glares and steps away from you* dr henry: Thank you, I'll see you in bed tonight! That about wraps it up, alongside your pie which I am stealing, BAI! Tooooon: Goodbye my beloved Doctory friend, and thank yee for this interview which consists of a lot of text which if yee have managed to get to this point of readings, feel free to pm me with the word "Rawracoolingslitious" for a free touch of Doctors leggins (*shudders*). Anyhoo, must dash my friends, for thy has a date with my beloved wife the Sandwich lady at the restaurant at the end of the universe! Tooooon: Till' our next meeting. dr henry: But I'm your husband! Tooooon: I knew you ate that quiche. Ahar, let the pink skirtedness and pieness be with yee all my brotherin's! *teleports* Tooooon: --END OF INTERVIEWINGNESS-- Wow! And if anyone lost their head due to their brain exploding during reading this interivew, I will write a translated version next month. Written By: Dr Henry Edited By: Zilla Coded By: Whydidijoin Interview courtesy of: Dr Henry and Tooooon |