The Dragon Chapters 4-6
Chapter Four
Jane Lemac paced the width of her office. It had been two days since the ancient scriptures had been stolen from her and she had received little word from the detective she had contacted. The only news she had discovered was a suspicious murder in which nothing had been taken of value, ‘If only they knew.’ She thought. Jane knew what had been taken, it was the Legendary Scroll of Dragons, a priceless artifact which belonged to her family and she had been days away from invoking it’s power. She kicked out at a chair and snapped the leg off, splinters flying across the room. The woman briskly walked over to her desk and unlocked the hidden compartment in the side, taking out a translucent piece of glass, similar to a mirror. She placed it carefully on the oak stand in the corner of the room and gazed into it, watching as the glass rippled like water until it seemed like you could put your arm through it. Jane smiled at what she saw and quickly replaced the implement to it’s original place, securing the lock on the compartment before heading out of the room.
Chapter Five
Lord Aknaw held his monocle to his left eye and gazed onto the scriptures beneath him. He breathed a sigh of joy as he read the words on paper. As he drew near the end, he slowed down, savouring every minute of what he was about to do. He was four words away from achieving ultimate power and invincibility when his door was kicked down and Jane stormed into the room, holding a gun in her hand.
"Ms Lemac, how rude of you to interrupt!" Aknaw said, slamming his monocle to the desk with such force that he was thankful that it didn’t shatter.
"I’m sure you aren’t the one who should be talking right now,” Jane replied, twitched the gun to draw his attention to it again.
"I’m guessing you want the parchment back?" the Lord said, indicating the scroll in front of him.
"Yes, but I was planning on killing you first. But answer me this…How did you find out about it?" Jane asked.
"I would have thought that was obvious, I discovered the Scroll in pretty much the same way you found out that I had it, I scryed for it. I was in search of an item to give me strength, and my gaze fell upon this," He picked up the Scroll, "And I saw where you kept it."
"Thank You, now any last words?" She asked.
Chapter Six
Lord Aknaw smiled, the grin reaching from one ear to the other,
"Just a few, ‘In Thy Divine Power!’" He finished, shutting his eyes as he felt strength surge through his veins for the first time in thirty years.
"NO!" Jane cried, pulling the trigger but watching in horror as the bullet bounced off the forehead of Aknaw.
The Lord laughed manically as the Scroll glowed and gave him strength.
"It is too late," He said, "I am one with the Dragons!"
Jane saw the fire in his eyes and threw her gun to the floor before turning and fleeing.
"The world is unsafe now!" She yelled over her shoulder, "You have destroyed us all!"
To Be Continued...
Written By: Dr Henry
Edited By: Zilla
Coded By: Whydidijoin