The Dragon Chapters 1-3
Chapter One
It was a dark and stormy night and the wind was throwing paper around the office like a hurricane. The lightening flashed and illuminated the room for a split second - long enough to see the figure standing amidst the chaos. The man bent down, scooped up a piece of parchment from the floor and put them inside his black jacket before walking calmly out the door.
Forward seven hours and a women walked into her office to find it in a complete war zone. Her window was smashed and the wind had torn her office apart. Her computer screen was cracked with her telephone draped over it and all of her work had come out of its folders and was scattered across the floor. She glanced at her safe and immediately cried out. The door was broken off its hinges and the actual safe was empty. Her papers had gone. She had spent twenty-five years researching and tracking down those priceless pieces of ancient parchment and now all her work had been lost…stolen. She knew that she HAD to find the culprit and recover what was rightfully hers - her ancestral gift.
Chapter Two
James ‘The Moose’ Moosefield was having the strangest conversation of his life. He was a Police Detective and was interviewing a women about a theft she had been the victim of. The only item she was worried about was a bit of old parchment.
"So, for the record, the only item that you can definitely say is missing is an ancient parchment. The aforementioned parchment is the only thing you are upset about losing and it is of utmost importance to retrieve this piece of parchment for you?" He asked.
The women nodded, looking quite angry. She thumped the table between them and replied,
"I can guess that you think I am acting rather foolish, mad even, but I assure you, this parchment is more important than it may seem to you!"
James smiled and gave her a nod confirming what she said,
"I will get to work immediately," he lied, leaving the room, shutting the door and walking almost the entire length of the corridor before bursting out with laughter,
"Lunatic!" He thought to himself.
Chapter Three
"Boss?" The darkness consumed the words, sending shivers down the spine of the thief,
"You there Boss?"
A swift movement and a muffled scream erupted from the thief. A knife plunged into his heart, piercing his torso as it was thrust in and out of him, creating multiple wounds. Blood seeped out and splattered on the floor as the life drained out of the criminal-turned victim. His last dying memory was of a blood-stained hand reaching into his jacket and removing the parchment which he had spent three weeks planning to steal, only to have his prize stolen in a dark alley in the middle of the night. He had been promised £250,000 in exchange for the stealing and delivering of a parchment. Now the only promise he could look forward to was a nice tombstone on his grave.
To Be Continued...
Written By: Dr Henry
Edited By: Zilla
Coded By: Whydidijoin