What if Runescape was Real Life?
Most play Runescape a lot but never wonder to themselves "What if Runescape was Real Life?" Imagine how odd it would be...
GAP/Old Navy and other brand's advertisements would look like this.
We'd make fun of those who cut normal trees.
Most would do anything to have 99 in Melee Skills.
Three words; "Player. Owned. Houses"
Doctors would joyfully announce your death.
Parents would never find out you were playing with pointy objects!
All the kids would want to be Fishers, Miners, Fletchers, Killers(and etc...) just like their daddies.
To be continued... in the next Villager!
Written by: HawaiiGopher
Proofread by: Mnok Bsasher
Coded by: HawaiiGopher