The Life of a Screenshot Snapper
The ancient RV astronomers believe that there are currently 30,000+ accounts registered on the RV forums that have never logged in. 20,000 or so of these accounts have never posted on the forums. And 5,000 of them that have posted have a post count of 0. Luckily, Screenshot Snapper isn’t one of them.
So, by now, I’m assuming that you’re wonder who the *OMG CENSORZ* Screenshot Snapper is, right? Well, I’ll tell you. So let’s get started on BARTORON’S UBOR BIOGROPHY OF SCREENSHOT SNAPPER!
On March 6, 2004, history was made. So fine, maybe that day was the 184th anniversary of the signing of the Missouri Compromise, but something EVEN MORE AMAZING also happened that day. On that day, Screenshot Snapper joined RV.
Day 1:
The sun was shining. The birds were singing. The air was fresh and minty. And most importantly, Screenshot Snapper was getting ready to make his first post.
It went a little like this:
“Hello, my name is Screenshot Snapper, and from now on, I’ll be the Official RuneVillage Screenshot Taker. So if anyone ever wants a screenshot of something, just ask. But first, I have a question. How do you take pictures of your screen?”
After getting a swift and humorous response, he was ready to practice his newly acquired skill. But unfortunately for him, he didn’t know how to post them on RV. And so forth came majestic post #2:
“Umm… yeah. How do I post pictures on RV?”
After receiving numerous replies, he was off once again, but this time, to upload his image on Imageshack.
What came next was a COMPLETE and UTTER SHOCK to many, including myself. And so comes forth post #3! :O
“*posts inappropriate pic*
I hope you like it! ”
Sadly enough, he didn’t know that children visited RV, and that his picture was unsuitable for such a young audience. So in the end, he was banned.
And after all of this, a long and fulfilling life, he was gone. But we shall never forget him, one of RV’s greatest influences. May your soul rest in peace, beloved Screenshot Snapper.
Written by: Bartoron
Proofed by: dr henry
Coded by: Gamestar