The Kindness of One Man
When I was level 42 and still had an Adamant Long Sword for a weapon of choice I was into the game to make companions as much as training. One day I was fighting in the dungeon near Port Sarim. Like usual I tried to be friendly. A guy around my level started chatting with me. For about two hours, I think, we were talking when I said "Hey man I got to go.” He replied “Okay man, I will see you later.”
I was completely out of the dungeon and walking back to Falador when I heard a "WAIT!!" So I turned around and he said, "Before you go I have something to give you". He logged out to get his other account that he told me about. When he logged back in he all of a sudden tried to trade with me. At first he put up 30k and a rune pick axe. I accepted (why wouldn’t I?). Then I was like "OMG". I had never had anything better than an Adamant Long Sword and Full Mithril so you can imagine how happy I was. I then asked, “Why are you giving me this?” He said he was quitting and no longer needed it. I still had to go so I said something like “Thanks so much but I still got to go.”
Then I was astonished yet again with another “WAIT” I was about to click log off when I noticed this. He said that if I follow him to the bank I could have more of his stuff. He then gave me 30 more thousand gold, Full Runite and a Runite Two Hander!! This was way more than I had ever bargained for! I then thanked him so much and told him I had to go. It felt like I was on the top of the world! I was one of the lowest level players I knew that owned Full Runite.
Around 4 or 5 months later I started to go Pking quite a lot. I started making a very large amount of Pking friends. One of the friends I met was named Reace Sabre. He was in a clan called The Sabres. To join The Sabres you use to have the word Sabre in your name.. I remember that guy who had given me full rune his name was Superb Sabre. I asked Reace if he knew Superb Sabre and he replied, “Yeah we use to train together.” I then thought that someday I might join The Sabres, so a guy named Clock Sabre helped me get in.
At least a year later I found out that Superb Sabre actually used a different name now than he use to. I said that I wanted to repay him. He took it by surprise because he forgot my name. It took him a few minutes to accept my repayment but end the end he did. Then I was telling this story to a guy named Loyal Sabre and he said that he gave a set of Full Runite to Pope Sabre (a.k.a. Superb Sabre). I started giving out free Adamant weapons to everyone in RuneVillage, later on I started selling very cheap sets of rune to clans like The Sabres.
Some people say "If you give a man a fish he will eat for a day, if you teach a man to fish he will eat for a lifetime." There is truth to this but what people don't say is that if you give a man a fish he will eat for a day, and remember your kindness. That man could become a strong man, he will in time learn to fish for him self and then share his knowledge and wealth. This is a story about how one mans good deed could very well lead to many more in the future.
Written by: Tokuman
Proofread by: HawaiiGopher
Coded by: HawaiiGopher