Living Life the Runescape Way - Can You Relate?
Living life the Runescape way is good. We are able to relate to Runescape because there are so many similarities to our everyday lives. We do well, and we can choose to do bad and have many choices like in our everyday life. We have needs to be met in everyday life and needs to be met in our Runescape life. Runescape is a good training ground in many ways. I do think that is why Runescape is so easy for us to relate to.
We go about travelling. We fight the beast of Runescape, and we must provide sustenance to our little Runescape bodies to keep up our strength up and to avoid death. The same is true in real life. We have to eat to live. We must work to be able to buy the supplies of food we need. We can choose to eat well, or we can choose to not eat so well. It all depends on the time and money you spend on the kind of food you eat. This is another way I can relate Runescape to everyday life.
We need to cover our bodies and be equipped for whatever situation we are going into in the Runescape world and in the everyday real world. Some have more than others. Some are the good (looking), and some are the bad. Some people our ugly, and some beautiful. There are all kinds in the Runescape worlds as in the everyday world. There are many ways to relate to everyday life. For example the way people dress according to what they are willing to not do and what they are willing to do. With this we can also relate to the world of Runescape to the everyday world.
We have to maintain a measure of self-control in any place we live. Just like in everyday life, there are consequences, actions, and reactions in the world of Runescape. If we break the laws in life, then we could face punishment in many forms. Runescape doesn't have jails or prisons for the people that play, but there are standards to live by. We can be reported for not abiding by the rules of conduct in the game, and there are different consequences we face for every action we take, good or bad. With this I can relate my Runescape life to my everyday life.
There are many more ways I can relate Runescape life to everyday life. They will have to wait to be written another time. I have to get back to my everyday life. I know you can relate to that, too.
Written by: snake10
Proofread by: Gogeta, Thyross, & dr henry
Coded by: Gamestar