Welcome to the November Issue of The Villager.

We have added some new features you will notice that incude the new shoutbox, The RuneVillage Quiz Hosted By Chatmasta, some form processing, and a Wordsearch Puzzle made in flash by Sirengetta!

We have a great line up of interviews by Chatmasta and some awsome articles by ZoneAnt and TomatoQuest!

There is one person that deserves a Special Thanks for their Hard Work, getting not only all the Special Edition Articles proofread but all the November Articles done aswell, contributing great work all around when we needed it most! This Person is the one and only Hotgirl77 - Thank You And Happy Birthday on November 14th!


Thats it for now.

Signing Off
Juaninzze, Trendyhaz and the rest of the The Villager Staff.