The ManorApplequest stopped in his tracks and looked to his right. He’d been walking along Rune Street, located in his village, only paying attention to his mobile phone on which he was texting his friend Gamestar. The sight that he saw made him turn around and run back down Rune Street. The village known as Rune Village was host to one of the scariest places in England, the Henner Manor, rumoured to be populated by Henner and a tribe of villagers who have been nose-washed into thinking that he’s their master. Applequest turned the corner into Spec Report Street and slowed down. “That was close he said to himself.” Applequest took the scenic route to his home in Chat Gardens. Once there, he opened his door to be greeted by silence. “Mum, dad!” he shouted. “Hmmm must have gone out.” He finished his text message to Gamestar and added on ‘Come to my house at 8:00pm, and we’ll go out and about knocking on doors asking for stuff.’ Applequest made himself some dinner and prepared himself for his outing. He wasn’t going to wear any kiddy masks, but he wasn’t going to miss out on free stuff either. At 8:00, the door bell rang, and Applequest descended his stairs and welcomed his friend. A few minutes later they were debating on where to go first. “I know!!!” Gamestar said, “the Henner Manor.” “Are you crazy? That place is creepy” “Chicken! Bawk, bawk, bawk.” “Fine, fine we’ll go” They walked up the stone steps towards the door. Applequest reached out and rang the door bell. The door creaked open, making Apple jump backwards in surprise. Gamestar laughed hysterically. “Scaredy Cat.” Gamestar made his way in and stood on the creaky floor boards. Apple joined him soon after. They approached another door and opened it while Apple shuffled nervously. Gamestar took one step and suddenly the floor gave in and they both found themselves in a strange, narrow pathway covered in a slimy, gooey liquid and a growth of stringy plants like strands of hair. Gamestar started to panic and shake. A strange noise similar to the noise of rushing water was coming from the pathway. They were both hit with the same slimy gooey stuff that was on the walls and floor, and were propelled backwards. Eventually, they both shot out of a hole in the garden of the manor. Strewn out and exhausted on the ground, Applequest looked up and saw a figure. “Gamestar is that you?” “What?” Gamestar replied, lying next to him. “Fools, my name are Henner, how am I looking now?” At that he took out a mirror and examined himself. “I’m looking nice, my shadows looking nice, I’m just a nice guy.” Immersed in his good looks, he noticed the others. He took away the mirror and replaced it in his pocket. “What..! You two are still here, Get out of my sight and never come near here again.” “O…o…okay,” Apple replied and got up. He helped Gamestar up and they ran clumsily across the grass and out the front lawn. From that day on, Applequest and Gamestar never went down that road again. By: Mageman Edited By: TheAmericanIdiot Coded By: Hoof NoobQuest |