An Interview with Dr HenryChip Hazard Question 1: How did you hear about Runevillage? Dr henry Ozzie Bond, who I had met the week before, mentioned it to me, so I decided to check it out. Chip Hazard Question 2: Where did your name come from? Dr henry Dr Henry? Well it was pretty much random for the 'Dr' bit, but the 'Henry' came from Theirry Henry, an Arsenal Player, who I support. Chip Hazard Question 3: Do you play any sports? Dr henry Yes, this morning I joined my local Rugby Team, as well as things like Hockey and Rugby in school. Chip Hazard Question 4: Who is your best buddy on RuneVillage? Dr henry Ooh, that would be hard to answer, there are so many, it would have to be either TOOOOON or HIKER. Chip Hazard Question 5: Do you like to use Chat? Dr henry I rarely go to chat. Chip Hazard Question 6: Do you play Runescape? Why? Dr henry Yes, because I can't give it up. Chip Hazard Question 7: Do you feel any pressure hosting the RVBB2? Dr henry Yes, everyone keeps pestering me to do this and do that, update the page now, change my donator rank. I wouldn't have offered to do it if I didn't know what I was doing, so I'd prefer if people trusted me to do what I think is right. Chip Hazard Question 8: Do you listen to the Village Podcast? Dr henry No, I do not. Chip Hazard Question 9: When did you get your staff promotion? Dr henry Around January 2005. Chip Hazard The FINAL Question: Why did Whydidijoin join? Dr Henry The answer is elementary dear Watson, the reason Whydidijoin joined is, is.. *dies on the spot* Chip Hazard Question 11: When and why did you join the paper staff? Dr henry I joined December '04 on the RSC Villager, of which Ozzie Bond was head and I was his assistant. Chip Hazard Question 12: Rap or Metal? Dr henry Neither. Chip Hazard Question 13: What is your favorite movie and why? Dr henry Are Pr0n0's included? Chip Hazard Of course! Dr henry Hiker and Henner eating Ramen Noodles with Spicy Chicken Wings on top. Chip Hazard Okay.... Dr henry It is a must see Chip Hazard Question 14: What is your favorite television show and why? Dr henry Lost, it is brilliant and I am hooked. Chip Hazard Question 15: Do you mod any usergroups? Dr henry The RuneVillage Drop Forum (Hidden, for the RVBB2). I am also the Mod of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Runiverse, but that doesn't have a forum. Chip Hazard Question 16: Do you plan on sticking with RuneVillage for a couple more years? Dr henry That depends on what my life is outside of the Computer. I'm planning on staying around to host or witness the RVBB3. Chip Hazard That’s awesome! Question 18: Can you give me a reason to keep this interview going without using E's? Dr henry I don't do drugs, not even ecstasy. Chip Hazard I will accept that, I guess... Question 19: What year are you in? Dr henry I am in year 9 at my school Chip Hazard Question 20: What is your biggest pet peeve? Dr henry My pet isn't called peeve, it is called Hiker. Chip Hazard I see. Question 21: Do you play computer games? Which ones? Dr henry Ooh, RuneScape? Chip hazard Question 22: Do you like Michael Moore's documentaries? Dr henry Who? I don't like documentaries at all. Chip Hazard Ok. Question 23: Ok, you’re stranded in the middle of the ocean with NO food. You are with Hiker and Henner. Which one would you eat if you would turn to cannibalism? Dr henry Henner, his nose has quite a lot of meat on it. Chip Hazard Question 24: What kind of music do you listen to if you do? Dr henry I don't really listen to music, but most of the time I like listening to Red Hot Chili Peppers. Chip Hazard Question 25: How would you describe this interview? Dr henry Long? Written by: Chip Hazard Edited by: Knil Coded by: Hoof Noob |