Well, this month has been very interesting. It is our first full month back on RV and it has been very rocky... First off we have had some minor issues with Chat - it's been down a lot, as I am sure you know... and then there has been other mishaps. But enough of that!
The members of the Villager have been very busy this month, trying to get back into the loop of things and working their backsides off to get you the best articles ever!
As promised, Hoof Noob Productions has brought you Gamestar Dance! It really is amazing. We have two great interviews too. An Audience with Mustangnut and Zilla, and the long awaited Frogger Interview! Apart from that, we have lots of interesting articles, good job to everyone on the team!
And guess what! We have just hired two Artists to bring you monthly updated comic sketches! Congrats to Goten and toa on their promising work!
Anyway, enough of my ramblings, enjoy the Villager!
Trendyhaz [ Editor in Chief ]
Frogger [ Assistant Editor in Chief ]
Gamestar [ Head of HTML and Webdesign ]
Whydidijoin [ Assistant HTML and Webdesign ]
If you want to join the Villager Staff please PM Trendyhaz
on the Forums.