Interview with... Frogger!"Welcome to the show today girls and boys! We have an exciting show for you! That..Mogo fella there is going to show you how to skin out a muskrat like you wouldn't believe. You will have just the finest skin you ever saw in your'll just...bring tears to your eyes to look at it. And Frogger over here is going to show us how to make a roadkill stew with a Possum! Good possum is hard to come by these days, sometimes roadkill is about the best you can do..." Oh, whoops. Sorry about that. *Turns off RuneVillage Podcast 6* Howdy everybody! Do you remember that opening for Podcast #6? Can there anything be more priceless than Hiker skinning a Muskrat? Do you ever wonder who's idea the Podcast was? Well I do, and I know the answers! Yes. No. And read on, because the answer is coming up! That's right! From the depths of RuneVillage Site Maintenance Forums, I have an exclusive (Wait, can I say exclusive when Frogger was begging everybody for an Interview? Yes? Ok, good.) Interview with Frogger himself! From Staff Project tidbits to the proclamation of his love of Sporks, this Interview has it all! So have a seat, get some nice crab juice, and grab a bag of Frog mean Popcorn, because do I have a treat for you! Wait, do I? I do? Ok, good. I do! Scroll down and be amazed! Yes, right down there. Down. Down. No, you have to either tilt your head forward or scroll. Yes, scroll. With that little bar off to the side. No, don't touch your screen, use the mouse. Yes, the mouse. What bloo...NOT THAT KIND OF MOUSE. Ok, put down the mouse. Now, see that thing next to your keyboard? The roundish thing. Yes, use that. Got it? Now click that bar and scroll down. Yes, down. No, that's up. Yes, that's up. That's still up, you want down. You're not even on your computer anymore. You want to scroll down. Go down. DOWN. Yep, you got it. A little bit more... Hello there Frogger, thanks for doing the Interview! When did you join RuneVillage? I joined runevillage at my friends house. You may know him as the user 'frog' here at runevillage. I only had dial-up at the time and he had high speed internet, when it first came out! For what reasons did you choose RuneVillage over other fansites. In other words, Why Did You Join? Back then, runevillage the was only one around besides runehq, I never really knew about I never liked runehq, because it never had that "warm" feeling to it, when I come to runevillage, I feel a community and not a bunch of mod wannabe's. Where in the world did the name 'Frogger' come from? Well that's a funny story really. My friend tyler, frog, and I used to play the game 'Frogger' online. We also used to play it at my friend grant's house. Well he wanted to use the name "Frogger", but someone actually took it back in the day.. Lucky.. Anyway, our next solution was to make matching characters. His RS Character is Frogger_Con, mine is Frogger_Cod. There's really not any reason why we have a Con or Cod, just a filler I guess. Can you post your MSN picture? The frog's expression is priceless. [LINK] There's actually two of them. I forget what site I got them from, but mogo found a swf file of this frog doing something... Double the fun! Can you post a picture of you? Oh whoops, my bad. :O ~Whydidijoin [LINK] Before I started going out with kayla, my current girl friend, I made a promise to mogo that I'd post my pic in the staff forums if we started going out. Well I really didn't think she'd want to go out with me, but I was sure surprised! Anyway, I posted that a couple months ago in the staff forums. The first picture if Kayla and I at a christmas party, the second is a picture of Kayla and I at new years, and the final picture is a picture of my cat tabby in a water bottle box. Many people think you're old, but you're actually pretty young. How old actually are you? I just turned 16 last week. I guess people think that because I manage to keep a "mature" attitude on runevillage. If you know me off of runevillage, you'd see the "teenager" come out of me. Who is your best friend on RuneVillage? (I know you love me, but lets focus on others.) That would be mogomongoose and knux. I have others that I should say, but these are the people who I'd actually trust my life with if I knew them in person. And I will know mogo in person in a couple months How did you two meet? Mogomongoose: Well that's a really funny story. I was teaching myself C++ at the time and I noticed a global announcement on the forums looking for toolkit staff. I PMed mogo and sure enough he added me. I can't believe how excited I was, I was actually part of a project on a major fansite. Well soon after a couple months, I started to get sick, this is actually where my stomach problems actually started, around that time.. I didn't finish the C++ course I was taking and still have yet to complete it. Mogo ended up having some relationship problems, I'm probably going to get killed for telling you all this but oh well. So I had a talk with mogo in chat for a good hour or two and helped him out. While in his absence, he set me incharge of the tool kit project. So the time I did have, I gathered tons of information for the calculators for mogo to code when he got back. Well the toolkit had a couple releases, but then it faded away. Mogomongoose set Jackstick, wit and myself as staff for the toolkit, we were the top three hardest workers. Then I joined the RSC Villager, then the real Villager... And the story goes on there.. But ever since that day in chat where we talked for that hour, we've been very good friends ever since. I talk to mogo almost everyday and we play guild wars together. It's really ironic how we both ended up admins together in the end of it all.. Also mogo is coming to visit me this summer. Knux: I met knux on skype. I forget who invited him into a confrence, but at the start, only mogo and I were using skype. Then G@mer, then more people started to use it. When all these new people started to use skype, all I kept thinking was that our clique would just get to big. My biggest problem was with this person called Tim Lochner (AKA Knux). He kept calling me and wanting to be in our confrences. Well I got to know tim alot better and now he's a very good friend. We are also business partners, yes we do web design together. Who would have thought that? Do eat enjoy Cheese? I'm guessing you mean, do I eat and enjoy cheese? If so, I love cheese, but with my stomach condition I cannot eat alot of it. Yes, that's what I meant. Of course. What else could it mean? *cough* What is your favourite kind of Pie? I really don't know, pie is never bad. So true. Cool Does Tooooon scare you? Would you ever dare steal his pie? No. I'm not scared by a lot of people, and I don't want his pie. He's had the same apple pie for the past three years. How did you get involved in Staff projects? There's this wonderful thing I like to call, "ask". You'll never get ahead in life if you sit around and wait for things to happen, trust me. When were you Staffimified? February 20-something, 2004. By euph. When were you modimified? January 14th (I think..), 2006. By hiker. When were you Adminimified? December 16th, 2006. By Henner. I can probably guess, but which of the 3 do you most enjoy and why? I actually enjoyed being staff. Yes moderator and administrator is a title everyone wants, but I rather be back in my staff days where I didn't know alot about what went on in the village. I enjoy working on the main site and managing the .net server now, but sometimes I wish that stress and pressure of always having to finish something went away. I mean yes, runevillage is opinional and yes I do offer alot. But sometimes I think to myself what if I never lent out of helping hand. Where would runevillage be right now? If it wasn't for my temp runevillage and getting the real rv back up, would I be answering this interview right now? Anyway, yes I enjoyed my time as staff, blue cards rules. Wow, that answer surprised me, but I guess I can see where you're coming from. If you hadn't lent a helping hand, RuneVillage would probably be in a much worse situation. Just don't overwork yourself too much now. Not too long ago, there was a real problem with active Admins. The Admin situation is finally better with all of the Chat and Assist. Staff Admins getting Admin powers on the forums, but now all of the mods are dropping like flies. Are we normal folk really that horrible to control? We keep extra fly swatters in the moderator forums. The admins have the electrical ones, though. Mustangnut has the key to that closet though. On a serious note, I think our current moderation staff is a close team who respects one another. I have to say, I was pretty honored to be a moderator at the time I was, the forum mods just work so well together.. You failed to answer the question. Maybe that's for the better. From what it seems, you're currently working like crazy too, always doing something. Do you have a life anymore? No. Actually I do. I just returned from a wonderful vacation in florida and I just got home from a party. If I didn't have a life my girl friend would dump me. I just fit runevillage into my day like a schedule and my parents respect that. Do you get any sleep? Yes I do actually, Poison333 used to make fun of me. I get off the computer at 8 or 9 pm on school nights. I like to wind down before going to sleep or I'll be thinking about what I need to get done on runevillage. And if I have a bad day on runevillage (progress work wise) I try to think about solutions before I go to bed. haha. How many hours, on average, do you spend on RuneVillage each day? Hmm.. hard to tell really. I've been home school for the past three months with my stomach condition. Since then I spend about 4 - 6 hours a day easily, plus if someone sends me a PM, I get an e-mail saying I have PM and go on runevillage right away if I'm doing my course work. On the weekends. It's more 2 - 4 hours. I don't really know, my time is different each day. What is your favourite forum? I have a couple forums, I tend to post most in the staff forums, then site maintainance, and then village sqaure. From what I can remember, you had a small Website-related business. Do you still do that? I still have opened, but I closed my web hosting business. I'm planning on selling dedicated servers through, but I need a new template for my site.. I've been meaning to talk to hiker about that. I also did alot of freelance coding for free phpbb forum websites, such as.. I redid's signup form, it's pretty sexy. Is the work good? I got very boring after a while, it's really why I stopped. Is the money good? The money was exellent when I had the time to do it all. Do you play any sports? I've played baseball and basketball since I was five. Now since I'm older, I've always wanted to umpire/refferee the games, which is what I do now. The baseball season actually starts this saturday. Do you watch any sports? Oh do I? Ask anyone who talks with me on skype how crazy I was during march madness. I wanted george town to win so bad! They are my team. Although I do not watch the NBA, I just don't like it. I watch Baseball, go red sox! And I watch American Football, go patriots! What is your favourite book? It would have to be all of the "Redwall" books. I love those books! What is your favourite movie? Wedding Crashers. What is your favourite TV Show? CSI Las Vegas - CSI Miami. Law and Order. Dog the Bounty Hunter. Yes, I want to be a police officer when I'm older. Mainly FBI or ATF. What is your favourite food? Chicken Wings. What do you hate most in life? Having my stomach condition which I cannot control and the doctors have no idea what it is.. The Village Podcast seemed to be pretty popular. Who's idea was it originally? I came up with the idea, I got it from my friend Shane at RSBandB. I went to mogo and knew we'd be perfect hosts. What happened to the PodCast? Is it making a comeback? If so, when? Mogo and I are busy people now adays. Finding time to record a show is pretty tough, although I'd love to start doing them again. As you probably know because I've bugged you about it so much, I've been wanting a new Main Site for as long as I can remember, since before I joined I think. I now see that a Usergroup was made, meaning that it is finally being worked on, and people have been saying that it may be coming soon. You've thrown out ideas on the public forums from time to time, but I remain a bit skeptical. Will it really be as awesome as you make it sound? For those that missed it, what features will it have that are you willing to tell us ahead of time? Knux, Glodenox and I are the project leaders for the new site. Knux made the design, and I'm coding the backend of the site in PHP. Glodenox is helping out the members of the group and managing different tasks. I think everyone is really going to enjoy this new template, but it's far from completion. Although we are going to release a "test" of it soon. When we get close to completion and move all the guides over, we will have users test the new system for a while. Once we've knocked out all the bugs and full release will be made.. Hopefully! Any tidbits/sneak peaks? Well here's a sketch of what the new logo will consist of. [LINK] What other Staff Projects are you currently working on? I've put everything else aside actually. Glodenox is picking up my slack and I thank him for it. One of my responsibilites is to make sure the guides are up to date. Well I haven't actually touched anything guide related since february.. My tasks on runevillage are now the new site, and managing the .net server. They basically take up all my time. A lot of people still are unsure. What happened to the Chat? Was it Henner's nose again? Seriously, that thing needs to be tied down. I'm not to sure myself, thing won't start up. I'm awaiting meepster's assistance.. Do you still read the Villager? Not really. Lol I'm sure I'll get kicked for it, but since I stopped doing what gamestar is now control over. I just got burnt out. Although from what I see, this month should be a good one and I'm going to read it. What do you think needs to be added to it, aside from the occasional Frogger interview of course. I don't know really. The problem I had when I used to publish the villager was that it was hard to get artwork and multimedia stuff. Do you plan on quitting RuneVillage anytime soon? *Holds crossbow to Frogger's head* I've found the less you burn yourself out on the job the better. I did leave before, but my return was really to short. I left because my life was very busy at the time. Then I ended up in the hospital and had surgery. And I've been home schooled.. I've ended up with alot of free time lately.. Do you still play RuneScape? Once santa hats hit 100 mil, you bet I will! Do you still play Guildwars? I live on it. I actually have it minimized as we speak. Which of the two did you enjoy more when you played? Guild Wars is alot better than runescape. The people who play it are very mature and the graphics are awesome. There's also not a subscription free and there's constantly updates weekly. I tend to never find guild wars down either, and if it is, it's back up in less than an hour. Which player community is better? Or do they both suck equally? Guild Wars does not have in game moderators, there's no need for it. People are very trust worthy and kind to each other. Why are you so sexy? Ask kayla. If you had to describe RuneVillage in one word, what would it be? Hell. Lol, just kidding. I'd have to say it's my "place to escape", but that's more than one word. If you had to describe me in one word, what would it be? Noob. Should have known that was coming. For this next part, I'll give you options. Just answer with one of them. If you answer differently, I'll throw peanuts at you. AppleQuest and A5chow - Cute or Creepy? Cute. Better Rank image - Legend or Staff? Staff. Better Rank colour - Yellow or Cyan? Cyan. Best Stagend ever - Whydidijoin or Whydidijoin? Whydidijoin Good choice. Which taste better - Flies or Mosquitos? Flies. The Uber cheese - Cheddar or Mozzarella? Mozzarella. I'm italian FTW. Best invention ever - Sporks or the Automatic Nose-hair trimmer? Spork. They're so cool! You just earned major bonus marks for that answer. Best Admin Rank - Chat or Forum or Staff? Staff Admin. Village Staff + Admin = Sexy. Now...onto more important matters... What is your favourite way of cooking food - BBQed or boiled? BBQ all the way. I was raised in the south. What is your favourite spice - Paprika or Rosemary? Parsley. Die I don't like those. How well done do you think you should cook meat...for...oh lets just say for amphibians - Rare or Medium-well? Medium, I like a warm pink center, for my meat. Not a cold pink, nasty. Or a dead piece of steak. Juicy. Which tastes better - The right Frog Leg or the left Frog Leg? Never bit my leg before, don't intend on doing so. Ok, excellent. I...uh...guess this concludes our Interview. Thanks a bunch for doing it! I hope you'll stick around for a little bit longer so we Yes, talk... Those last 4 questions had nothing to do with anything. They can be completely disregarded. *Licks lips and gets out spork* Written By: Whydidijoin Answered By: Frogger Coded By: Gamestar Frogger Eaten By: Whydidijoin |