Bet you didn't know...4
Hey! Welcome to the FOURTH edition of Bet You Didn't Know! This issue, you will find wacky words, MySpace, strange statistics, country facts, and more! Have fun!
- "Aerious" is the shortest word in the English language in which all five vowels are present and in alphabetical order.
- "Phragelliorhynchus" (a type of protozoa) is the longest word in the English language in which all five vowels are present, in alphabetical order, and are used only once.
- "Almost" is the shortest word in the English language in which all of the letters are in alphabetical order.
- Chuck Norris is 67 years old.
- Lungfish can live out of water for over three years while in a state of suspended animation.
- The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
- If MySpace were a country, it would be eleventh largest in the world in population.
- "Weird Al" Yankovic is 57 years old.
- The janitor in Nirvana's music video of It Smells Like Teen Spirit is the same one used in "Weird Al" Yankovic's It Smells Like Nirvana.
- The force of one billion people jumping at the same time is equal to 500 tons of TNT.
- To "misculate" means to urinate.
- To "masticate" means to chew.
- The palm of your hand is more sensitive than the back. Take a hair and run it across the back, then run it across the palm.
- Two-thirds of the world's death penalties occur in China.
- The United Kingdom and United States are both in the top ten for Gross Domestic Product - and for child poverty.
- Canadians drink more fruit juice than any country. In fact, the average per person is over one liter per week.
- The study of ants is "myrmecology."
- While creating the movie Toy Story (1995), the animation team at Pixar Animation Studios perfected the movement of the toy soldiers by gluing some sneakers to a sheet of
wood and trying to walk around with them on.
- "Jesus wept." is the shortest verse in the Bible (11:35).
- In an interview by Boys' Life Magazine, Johnny Depp says his favorite Halloween costume as a kid was a pirate.
- Saturn is less dense than water. In fact, if you could find an ocean big enough to hold it, it would float.
- The world's smallest shell is known as Pisidum. It is found off the Philippines and is under one millimeter long.
- Twelve percent of lightning strikes occur on golf courses.
- Captain Joshua Slocum, whom in 1898 aboard the "Spray" became the first man to circumnavigate the world alone, never learned how to swim.
And the closing fact...
- American Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were both assassinated. Not too surprising, eh? Well, there has been a lot of discussion over strange coincidences
between the two murders... Here are some:
- Lincoln was elected President in 1860. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.
- Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.
- Both men were shot on a Friday.
- Both men were shot in the presence of their wives.
- Lincoln was shot in Ford's Theatre. Kennedy was shot in a Ford Lincoln limousine.
- Both were shot in the head.
- Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson, who was succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.
- Their are six letters in "Andrew" and "Lyndon."
- Both Presidents' successors last names are "Johnson."
- John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln's assassin) and Lee Harvey Oswald (Kennedy's assassin) both have 15 letters in their names.
- The Presidents' killers were also assassinated before they went to prison.
- John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and ran into a warehouse. Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy from inside a warehouse and ran into a theater.
- Lincoln and Kennedy both have 7 letters in their last names.
- Each of the Presidents' wives lost a child while living in the White House.
Here's the kicker:
- A week before being shot, Lincoln was touring Monroe, Maryland. Before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marylin Monroe.
Written by: Blackmage172
Editted by: Jaron the amazing editor
Coded by: Hoof Hearted