OMG OMG OMG! We actually have an interactive this month! W00T!!

We have a film made by Hogie Hut called Full Metal Hogie. Enjoy!

Click Here to view Full Metal Hogie!

Spot the Error #1

Welcome, Villager readers, to the new Spot the Error series! This series, made by Jaron, will appear in the Villager every month. Each month, you'll have to--you guessed it--spot the error! (Sorry, there are no prizes for winning. There might be some eventually, so check back often!) Below is a screenshot of me playing Runescape. Can you tell what's wrong with it? I'll reveal the answer next month, along with a new picture!

Written By: Jaron
Edited By: Hoof Noob
Coded By: Whydidijoin

If you have any Interactives that you would like in The Village please PM Monk Basher on the Forum.