Player Mods- Good or Bad?On 14 June 2004 Jagex decided to counter the rampant hacking, scamming and flaming with their release of Player Mods. They, like the name implies, are a select few players who would be able to help Jagex mod RS and keep good behaviour. They have the ability to mute and can give priority reports. This of course, seems like a good idea but in the article I will try to reveal its good parts and its bad parts. So to start with the good... Good: The Runescape population is booming, everyone can agree with this as Jagex is advertising in places like mini-clip. This influx in population will bring in revenue for Jagex, but also a new variety of players, unfortunately most of these players are immature and make a habit of going around flaming people and trying to scam them. This makes the RS society more negative and people started to want to play less. Jagex had to do something about this (out of love of its' players or money reasons, im not sure, you decide.) They decided that their group wasn't large enough to mod all of RS so they gave players who had a clean record and a history of reporting bad users to be able to mod as well. This made more people aware of their actions and some decided to become better people in the community, well I said more, not most. So now player mods can mute people who flame and high priority people who break the rules, this is a good thing. This means that the community will get better, there jsut needs to be more moderators, theoretically. Bad: One of the main negative aspects is that now Runescape is much more aware of itself. It means that extremely power-hungary people now have something to strive for, to become a Player Mod. They know that by reporting people who break the rules then they can achieve this goal. This, however has made a large amount of people randomly report people for no reason, only because they think that they will get power this way. This makes Jagex overflooded with reports for no good reason. Also, people now really over-react when someone says something even remotely possible of being against the rules. For example someone may say, "someone tried to scam me the other day. he said- examine this rock and change your password to bigmoney and youll get a million gp". He is just informing his friend about a scam, but I have seen too many times where someone hears just, "examine this rock and change your pass" and assume that the person is breaking the rules. they do not care to know what the whole situation is. So adding Player Mods made people way too trigger-happy when it comes to reports and many people are banned unjustly. So now Jagex is getting flood and floods of useless reports along with the occasional good report, but also has player mods to help them in the game. Another bad side is those who were made Player Mods are constantly harrassed. They are always bombarded with questions and don't get a moment of peace, as Doodlepieguy has shown us. So my question to you is this: Player Mods, they let the moderation team increase and thus can help to maintain the rules by priority reports and mutes to a small select amount of people, while thousands go around reporting for no reasons and even more are reported by a misunderstanding flooding the Runescape report boards, so Player Mods: good or bad? Written By: Mr Penguin12 Edited By: Dr Henry Inspired By: Hoof Hearted Coded By: HawaiiGopher |