An Interview With Donut Juice
Hello! Tonight, I sat down with a fellow RVer, Donut Juice, who has just recently become a moderator. Congratulations.
Kamikaze: Hello, Donut,I would like to interview you. Is that ok?
Donut Juice: Alright, sounds great! *Is honored*
- How old are you?
I'm 14; I'll be turning 15 this July.
- How did you hear about RuneVillage?
This is a question that always stumps me. There are two aspects that I think brought me to this wonderful website.
A) During the 2005 Christmas Event, I was looking for a guide to the event, and one of my friends in game told me that RuneVillage had a guide, and they usually issue guides really quickly, so he gave me directions to the page, and that's that.
B) I was always fascinated by people who made fake RuneScape images, and when I browsed RSC, Andrey had a topic there with amazing fakes, and he mentioned somewhere that his fakes won an award at RuneVillage.. so, once again, I came here.
- While browsing the Village, where do you usually browse at?
Now, especially that I moderate them, I'm usually found in the "Player VS Player" category, but also quite about in the RuneScape! category and the Village Square. I'm pleased to say I'm quite well rounded when it comes to forums, I post on almost every one.
- How long do you spend on RuneVillage or doing something for RuneVillage on average each day?
I love Chat (lol) which is a big reason why I'm at RuneVillage, but I also browse RuneVillage during other tasks, such as when I'm on MSN or on RuneScape, as it gives me something else to do. RuneVillage always has something interesting to read on it; I'm probably on it 2-3 hours each day.
- How did you feel when you were chosen to become a mod?
I can honestly say when Mustang PMed me, my fingers started shaking. I ran outside - into the woods, and started jumping up and down, yeah - I don't usually do that to events that happen on the computer, but I was really pleased, and eager to get going. But, at the same time, I remember Muscular Ape telling me once he received the PM, it was months until he was actually modded, which was a bit scary to me, I wasn't quite keen on waiting ;D
I was also really honored and started visioning myself as a Moderator, and now I don't have to - I actually am Smile
- What exactly made you choose the name "Donut Juice"?
That's a good question, and at the same time one I'm quite often asked.
One day, after quitting one of my RuneScape accounts, I wanted a new account with an interesting name. To help in thinking, I went to Tim Hortons, ordered a blueberry fritter and some mango juice. On getting the mango juice, I asked them do heat it up - strange? Yes - but nonetheless they did. I now had an amazing blueberry fritter and a hot glass of mango juice. I decided to dip my fritter into the mango juice, but I was caught up in talking, and a couple minutes later I realized that my poor fritter was still submerged into the hot juice. I tried to pull it out, but I was unable, as it was so terribly soggy. Then I said out loud, "UGH! This is like donut juice!" and then it hit me ;D (the idea, not the donut)
- Do your Donuts have Juice?
Yes, my donuts have the finest juice in all of Northern America; they're even talked about constantly in Europe as well.
- Who is your best friend on RV?
That's a good question, as well as one I'm not quite sure of. One of the best things in my opinion about RuneVillage is the overall kindness of the community. It's safe to say that almost every single person here is splendidly nice. I don't have one best friend, but I like to think I have quite a bit of friends here that are equally close to me. Some are closer to others, but I'd rather not name them, as I'd probably leave some out - just due to my memory.
- Who do you idolize on RuneVillage?
Now there's a good question, Kamikaze. Again, I can say everyone at RuneVillage has great aspects to their personalities that I wish I could have, so in a way, I almost idolize everyone here. But I especially idolize all the Moderating Staff.
- What was your favorite moment on RV?
Another good question, lol. Either when I received the PM about becoming a mod, or back when Doodle PMed me about a comment I made, saying he was "impressed". That made my day Smile
- Do you like Pie?
Yes, I love pie with a passion, my Grandmother is especially talented at making them.
- Has becoming a mod changed your personality?
I'd honestly say it has, for the better or the worse is up to you guys. I like to think becoming a Moderator has matured me quite a bit more, as I'd like to set a good example. But I still can be a goof! But yes, in answering your question, I can open heartedly say that becoming a Moderator has changed my personality, I try to make my posts as helpful as possible. It's hard to explain really, I just want to be the best Moderator I can be, (wow, did that sound as cheesy to you as it did to me?) and if tweaking my personality slightly will help - so be it, I welcome it with open arms.
- How long have you been playing RS?
I've been playing RuneScape on three different accounts now, all quite decent leveled, this account, Donut Juice is my highest leveled though. I quit the other accounts, as the first one's name I didn't prefer, the second one was hacked and received black marks that Jagex wouldn't lift, and then I came across Donut Juice. I've been playing for about three years now.
- Do you still play?
Yes I do, but unfortunately since I've been modded, I've barely played any RuneScape at all - there's so much to get used to! I'll log on and think I could be doing something more productive here. I'll probably get over this stage soon enough.
- Whats your favorite skill? Why?
For enjoyment, Construction - I love to improve my house and being able to show it off, but other than construction, probably Runecrafting; it's great for money and I've met a lot of great people through it.
- What is your favorite mini game in RuneScape?
Castle Wars ![](
- Do you play any sports?
Yes, I play quite a bit actually. X-Country, Swimming, Baseball, Soccer, Track, Curling, Badminton, Tennis and Boxing.
- What is your favourite hobby?
Eating blueberry fritters, and knowing that Whydidijoin probably isn't at this moment.. ![](
Nah, my favorite hobby is probably running; it clears my mind and is amazing fun.
- Do you have a favorite movie?
Yes I do.
Oh, do you want to know it? Probably either Life Is Beautiful (an Italian movie) or The Pianist.
- Describe the average RuneVillager.
Again with the good questions.
The average RuneVillager's habitat is often found at the website, RuneVillage (try to wrap your mind around that). The average Villager is kind, thinks before they post, has their own individual personality, and contributes to the well being of RuneVillage, while always wearing a green T-Shirt! o.O
- How do you feel after answering this questions?
Questioned. I actually feel honored that I was asked to be interviewed, thanks, Kamikaze!
By: Kamikaze
Interviewed: Donut Juice
Edited: TheAmericanIdiot
Coded: Hoof Noob