The Amazing Adventures of Jack – Part One – The Adventure BeginsOnce upon a time, a young man named Jack sat pondering in the Blue Moon Inn Pub with his friends, Dr. Henry and Goten. For many moons he had spent his days within the confines of Varrock, only straying as far as Falador for his training as an Initiate Knight. You see, Jack was troubled. He had graced the land of Runescape for several years now, and yet he had achieved nothing. All around him sat accomplished warriors, chefs, fletchers; even the bartender had more skills than him. Jack knew that this was mainly his fault, having never tried to achieve anything in his life. “Jack,” said Goten. “Jack! Jack!!!!! Answer me mate!” Jack lifted his face from his tankard of ale and stared blankly at his friends. “You guys have it all, why can’t I have adventures like you? Why should you have all the fun?” Dr. Henry smiled a wide grin and in his usual tone said, “Because you are a noob. You always will be a noob, and that is why we hang around with you. It makes us look good.” Trust Henry to be so tactless in his approach. “Seriously though,” said Henry, “if you want to have adventures then you have to get out of this Pub. Goten and me are going to the far off land of Catherby in the morning. You should come with us.” Usually Jack would think of a ridiculous excuse such as he had to complete the cook’s assistant quest, however today he felt different. “Ok,” he said. “What!” shouted Goten, spitting out his beer. “I said I’d come, I will meet you here tomorrow.” Partly shocked at Jacks sudden urge to venture out, Dr. Henry and Goten arranged the final details and the friends parted. The following morning, at the arranged meeting place of Varrock Square, Goten and Dr. Henry awaited Jack’s arrival, pondering whether he would actually show up. Suddenly from around the corner, the two friends heard a mighty crash. There, right in front of them, lay Jack sprawled on the floor, his quiver of arrows scattered all around him and his Dragon Scimitar resting on the floor. “Sorry guys,” said Jack, his cheeks glowing red with embarrassment. “Check out his quiver,” laughed Henry, eyeing the tatty leather bag that Jack’s arrows resided in. “We need to get you a new one before we leave, and while we are at it, perhaps a new bow is in order. Rune arrows don’t work too well on an oak longbow.” Walking into the bow shop, Jack was immediately dumfounded by the selection. “What am I looking for?” Jack asked Goten. “Perhaps something such as the Magic Shortbow is your sort of weapon,” replied his friend. Handing over 5000 gold pieces for the bow, a new quiver, and a brand new set of green dragonhide Jack felt much more confident in his ranging skills. Goten and Henry had both chosen more warrior-based attire. Henry now wielded Jack’s Scimitar and in return Jack wearing his friend’s ring of life. “Alright guys, are we ready to go now?” snapped Henry, growing impatient of the delays. “I’m ready,” said Goten. “So am I,” said Jack, and on that note they headed out southwest toward the Barbarian Village. Jack loved this new sense of adventure, the air on his face and the sun on his back. The conversation focused mainly on tales of Goten and Henry and their many adventures through the lands of Runescape. On one adventure, Goten managed to tame the demon Delrith and restore peace to Varrock. At the same time Jack had been in the Pub feeling sorry for himself. As the stories continued, the path our heroes trod was steadily changing from the grey stone of Varrock to the dusty paths and high wooden defences of the Barbarian Village. As they entered the village, the stories ceased as the heroes were struck dumb by the sheer size of the Barbarians. They towered well above all three of the adventurers, but especially Henry. Suddenly, without warning, a large oafish Barbarian knocked into Jack. Rather than apologizing like a civilized person, the Barbarian roared and claimed that Jack made him spilled his beer. As the Barbarian drew his sword, Jack knew he had two options: run or fight. Adrenaline coursing through his body, Jack looked at his friends for guidance, did some quick thinking, and made his decision… To Be Continued… Written By: Jack the Villager Noob Edited By: Rocky Martin Coded By: TheAmericanIdiot |