A strange breed are we. We are some of the few that love grammar, and yet play Runescape, with all of its grammatical horrors. We are also one of the still fewer that use ch@t language while loving grammar.
A strange breed are we. We are some of the few that can turn this:
Two members of the programing team Frogger and Jackstick tell us that a release date sometime early May is the aim point. They also ask that ppl let them carry out the testing and
fine-tuning without to many questions. Teh m0re time spent answering these, the longer it'll take.
into this:
Two members of the programming team, Frogger and Jackstick, tell us that a release date sometime early May is the aim point. They also ask that people let them carry out the testing and fine tuning without too many questions. The more time spent answering these, the longer it will take.
yet still type this with no qualms whatsoever:
roflmao no0bie rune so better then bronze nub bahahhaa rofl!
A strange breed are we. We are some of the few that know two small dashes(--) are used for typed works, and one long dash( __ ) is used in written works. We know that
parentheses are not used inside parentheses, rather, brackets ( [ ] )
are used in their place.
A strange breed are we, the proofreaders that so humbly serve Runevillage and the Villager.
Are you one of the strange breed? (hot linked text to a page specifically designed page for proofreaders to apply to join the
paper) Join us! (end hot linked text)
Article By: Monk Basher
Proofread By: Frogger
Coded By: Frogger