The Jeffie Experience
Do you see many players in RuneScape that are above level 100 and you think they are so good, so it convinces you to play more and more? You start getting rich by earning money by pking, dueling, and any all the other techniques that you have up your sleeve. Well, Jeffie, which started playing in the summer of 2002, is now level 123 and his goal in RuneScape is to be level 126, and I am sure that he will, but let’s get him to tell us his story of success, from when he was level 3, to when he turned level 123.
When you joined the game, describe your first few days.
My first few days in RuneScape were very noobish. I walked around in RuneScape with Bronze and wizard robes, killing things and getting frustrated with quests. However, all the people were nice and helpful, unlike today’s generation. And soon, I came to love this game.
Do you remember how you made money as a low level player?
I picked up everything I saw, including bones, runes, cowhides, and then ended up selling them in a general store. My friends also helped me by giving me items and supplies, but it was still very hard.
How do you earn your money and items now, Jeffie?
Well I have techniques, such as merchanting, staking, pking, I use high level skills like mining, and I mine rune, shark fishing, magic log cutting. Those are personally my favorite. The only difficult part is training up that high, and dedicating your time to it. I also use other techniques like collecting, dragon bones, and dragon hides, and then selling them to players, for extra money.
Do you have any training suggestions?
You should always try to use the best equipment available to you or the best you can afford. You should try training on things equal or less level then you, and its good for what ever you are training on to be populated in the area, if you can beat monsters higher level then you, then that’s a good idea to. If you are a low level player, then the best food to eat while training is salmon or tuna, but don’t use cabbage unless you are very desperate. And while you are training combat skills, you can also mine, smith and fish on the way.
When you were around level 80, how did you train?
I used to go to guard dogs in Ardounge and karamja, back on RSC. Then I would go steal cakes after I ran out of food, which is also a good way to train thieving and combat skills. It was pretty good, but I left after they stopped auto attacking me.
How did you train, when you were 100 combat?
Some of it was back in RSC too. I trained at shadow spiders under the waterfall and at the giants and shadow spiders in the level 50 wilderness dungeon with the fire giants. Then when RS2 came out, I was level 107. I started training on earth warriors in the edgeville dungeon and axe hut in level 58 wilderness. It's a good idea to use shark if you’re training in the wilderness. And now I melee and range blue and green dragons and collect the bones and hides that they drop. And I do that nifty bone grinding thing from ghost’s ahoy quest to get great prayer experience.
Any last tips you might have for success?
You need to have a lot of determination. It might take a while, but anybody can get that high if they stick to it. Otherwise, if they’re not serious about it, they probably won’t get it. It will also be good to get friends around your level to train with. You will have a lot more fun with them, and training won't seem that hard.
Well, wow, I admit Jeffie gave some really good tips on training, and some other really good advice. If you follow some of the tips Jeffie gave you, and lessons you learned in the game, there is nothing stopping you except Jagex 0_o
Written by: Petrenks
Proofread by: Monkbasher
Coded by: Frogger
Coding Addition By Frogger