By HawaiiGopher
Proofread and Coded By: Frogger
Tired of not standing out in the crowd as “the rich one”, just realize the house Spooksprings sold you in May 2004 never came with keys and all your stuff was robbed? Well we at the HawaiiGopher Cereal Company have decided to pick the 1000000th buyer of the HawaiiGopher Cereal to…
get a free private island! If you are the 1000000th buyer a talking chipmunk will automatically warn us at the HawaiiGopher Cereal Inc. And we shall kidnap you and put you on a boat to arrive to the island. Don’t worry though you will have a map to find your way around.
Oh yes and I forgot to say this will also cost a small fee of 100,000,000,000 GP… But you must admit that’s very cheap for this island… don’t believe me just look at this beautiful screenshot…
Just ignore that umm… Level 500 Moss Giant… I mean cleaning lady and you’ll be fine! Only a few rats come to visit each night along with mosquitoes and bees and remember no money back guaranteed if not satisfied! So enjoy your trip and remember to eat this yummy cereal…