The long awaited Runevillage Toolkit is in the final stages of development. The team are working hard to bring us this amazing piece of software and give the game an added help it often needs.
The programming and content have spanned many months and lately there has been some talk with Jagex about the content. This is to ensure that when it is released, it breaks no rules thereby causing all the fall out that entails!
Two members of the programming team, Frogger and Jackstick tell us that a release date sometime early May is the aim point. They also ask that people let them carry out the testing and fine tuning without too many questions. The more time spent answering these, the longer it will take.
We will of course bring you a full review of the toolkit, it�s story and features once it has been released. In the meantime, the team wipe the sweat from their brows, the take away food cartons from their desks, use a lot of rude words to each other and slave away on our very own toolkit.
The rest of us watch and wait.
Written by: GCSE
Proofread by: Frogger
Coded by: Frogger