2005 Musicians running out of song ideas?
From singing about Candy Shops to Bad days.. how lame can song artists get? I have been watching MTV lately and have seen that all the song were.. LAME... I mean seriously 50Cent.. replacing Candy Shop with something else and making kids think that Pimps are actually good things to be... I personally have this one spanish kid who was in my class for Business Studies and we had to pick nicknames and things and he used PIMPING in his nickname... the teacher wasn't too happy...
But back to what I was saying these songs are getting idiotic.. A 5 year old singing about llamas would be better then this... I know I know I couldn't come up with better songs myself but I can't stand this bad music! This whole Rap/RnB/Pop Music trend is stupid. I prefer the 1990's trend, rock.. It was much better in my opinion. If you think I'm just a stupid brat that complains too much just look at these song titles...
Candy Shop
If I were a Rich Girl (coming from a pretty rich person is actually stupid when you think about it)
Have a Bad Day
1,2 Step
Dirty Laundry
And those aren't even the most stupid ones... see how low our generation has gone! When we'll grow up and have kids they'll just laugh at us for having liked such poor music just like we laugh at our parents for liking Elton John and Michael Jackson! =O... This is bad very bad..
What can we do? Nothing besides stopping ourselves from listening to such pathetic songs! Tum tum tum...
Article by: HawaiiGopher
Proofread by: Monk Basher
Coded by: HawaiiGopher
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