When did you join Runevillage?
I first visited RuneVillage sometime during summer of 2003. I used the guides mostly, which I must add are incredible and well written. I was still a newbie to RuneVillage, but I knew my way around the corners.
When did you join the forums?
I started to browse the forums the same time I entered the main website. I walked around as a guest on the forums for a long time, until I just decided to unpack and register. However, i wasn't very active when I first joined... I stuck mostly around the Sig Shop and General Pictures. I later moved on to the rest of the forums and found them to be very interesting and full of great people.
When did you start to get really active?
I can't answer that with an exact date... I was quite shifty when I first entered. I'd say I started to get "into it" sometime around April 2004. I started to post more and expanded my myself to different forums. I also started to join new
user groups and became quite active with those too. I joined about 2 or 3 user groups
in my early days. I liked smaller groups focused on one area.
You're a village staff member, correct?
Yes, I am. I'll also like to add that it's been great since my promotion! I've been more active, not only forum wise, but also helping other groups, like The Villager, which I recently joined.
How and when did you get this promotion?
I'd say that the reason I got my promotion was a chain of events. I first joined the RuneVillage Toolkit, which I found very interesting, I like working on projects like that. After awhile, the entire toolkit
user group took a dive and we weren't as active as we wanted to be. I then talked to a guy named Frogger about my activity, and within minutes we became close friends, and we still are! He talked to me a lot about being a part of the RuneVillage Toolkit Support Staff, and I was ready to join into it, however I had one thing holding me back: warnings. During this time, I had roughly three warnings, and it would take Frogger awhile to convince the Administration to add me to the RuneVillage Toolkit Support Staff. Quote: "You have no idea how many strings I had to pull to get you into the RVTK staff..." So essentially I got the promotion before my warnings were removed.
Awhile later, I messaged Cosmos and told him that all three warnings were a bit overdue, and just like that, they were gone! I haven't had a warning since then. It really taught me something.
When did you hear about the RVTK?
I heard about the RuneVillage Toolkit when Chatmasta posted a Global Announcement about it. I didn't seem too interested in it, so I avoided it for that time. Awhile later, Mogomongoose posted a global about needing Toolkit users. I decided to join as a Researcher, I had nothing better to do, so it seemed like the right thing, plus it was fun.
Why did you decide to join the support?
I knew that after the Toolkit would finish, I wouldn't have much to do. Yeah, there would be an update here and there that I might be needed for, but I wanted to contribute more than just that. It was my choice to join the RuneVillage Toolkit Support Staff, but Frogger is the one who made it all possible for me. Thank you Frogger!
Do you have any advise to give people who want to help out and become more well known?
I suggest to join more user groups that work on the website. Like guide coders and editors and such, that would really help RuneVillage. As well as other
user groups, like the Player Database Team. If you don't like usergroups, then just try to be active.
That's how I became well known, i expanded my reach on forums and went from just the Sig Shop, to a lot of other forums, mostly general ones that don't do much with RuneScape. But my honest to God answer of becoming well known is to just be active, and help around the website.
What groups can people join who want to get involved?
There are a lot of user groups to join to get involved. It doesn't even have to be ones that help RuneVillage. Any
user group that you are interested in will get you well known and involved. However, if you want to be involved in the construction of
RuneVillage, then I suggest joining user groups that involve coding, guides, editing, etc.
What's Henner's nose really like?
If you were to actually enter Henner's nose, you would most likely get lost within 5 minutes. One nostril contains more than 50,000,000 hairs, it'd be like walking through a very large and tall praire. Eventually, you would find yourself walking in circles. After awhile, if he doesn't sneeze... You will die!
Do you enjoy being a villager staff and being above us normal users?
Of course I do. I find myself much more active in different (secret) forums, and I get to know a lot of new moderators, staff members, legends, etc through my promotion. Also, it has changed me, I used to get warnings left and right (just ask Chatmasta) and now I haven't gotten a single warning, or an
unofficial warning since my promotion. I am very thankful for it.
Is being a staff harder than you thought it would be?
Not really. Yes, there is the bluecarding, you have to constantly watch for posts that break rules or offend anyone, but it feels nice to help. I would be
devastated if my position were to be removed. I just find it much easier to walk around RuneVillage with my staff promotion. There are some hard times, but that's life.
How did it feel when you were made a staff?
I was very very happy when I was promoted. Almost speechless. A lot of people were sending me PM's
congratulating me and such, and I felt very thankful. In the last Moderator/staff/legend pool, I wasn't picked. I wasn't too surprised either, my behavior still needed fixing. However, a lot of other users did expect me to be promoted to a different tier. They got what they wanted, I guess Smile .
How much time do you spend on RV daily?
I usually spend about two hours on RuneVillage, daily. On weekends, I usually spend about 1-3 hours, depends if I'm busy or not. Sometimes I'll go a whole weekend without RuneVillage. I usually spend more time during holidays, mostly Summer Break. However, if I'm off on vacation, I'll seldomly be on RuneVillage. I'll be going to Montreal, Canada this summer, for 25 days, I won't be very active.
Is there anything else you want to add?
Yes, I would like to thank Frogger and Mogomongoose for changing me in RuneVillage. Mogomongoose for recruiting me to the RuneVillage Toolkit, and Frogger for spending so much time trying to get me onto the RuneVillage Toolkit Support Staff!
Id like to thank Jackstick for taking the time to talk with me
Written By: mr penguin12
Proofread By: Monk Basher
Coded By: Frank and Frogger