Enter Sandman
April was designated Desert month by Jagex and what a month it turned out to be! With talk in the Village forums of the Quests not being tough enough and no real challenges for the higher level players,
it was as if they had
sat up and said ‘Hmmm, you know what, those Villagers are right’. Within days the hardest quest Jagex had developed was released and off we all went.
This of course, was no overnight impulse move by the great ones in Cambridge. Way back in our May issue last year, we had asked them about the Egyptian lands and they had already put the basics into place. Not saying too much (well they wouldn’t would they ) they unleashed no less than 3 quests on us in as many weeks.
Firstly there was the Family Feud Quest, a medium length adventure that sets the scene for it’s big brother. With the release of this quest, a new land opened up south of Al Kharid and it was soon obvious that there was yet more sand to come. You can find an excellent guide for this quest, written by Chowchowchow, Dozy, Flea Hobo, Chris 91 RS Master and Cambrian recently uploaded. The requirements only specify level 30 Thieving.
The Family Feud was soon followed by the Desert Treasure and this was to be the biggie. The requirements for this quest are: Level 10 Slayer, Level 50 Firemaking, 50 Magic and 53 Thieving. It goes without saying that there are high level monsters to defeat on this. A list of the quests you need to complete is The Dig site, Tourist Trap, Temple of Ikov, Priest in Peril, Waterfall and Troll Stronghold. There has been some comment that the requirements are not that challenging but this is not where it’s test lies. It is the sheer length of it that boggles the brain. Naturally, your ever helpful village has a superb quest guide put together by Chowowow whose valiant efforts will undoubtedly save many lives.
This quest and it’s predecessor sparked off some lively debate in the General Chat forum about the political parallels between Iraq and the coalition, a topic well worth the read.
As the month drew to a close, the world map was updated to show the vast expanse of land that had opened up and the last of the present series of Desert Quests was released. Icthlarin’s little helper. This quest requires completion of the Gertrude’s Cat quest and in keeping with many recent quests, a high level of agility is recommended.
Looking at the current trend in Runescape, these themes of continuing stories draws to a close and as we pour the sand out of our boots, rinse it out of our ears and treat the sun burn, we wonder what next for the vast world of Runescape and will there be a whole new
civilization to meet?
My money is on those pesky monkeys on Ape Atoll!
Written By: GCSE
Proofread By: Frogger
Coded By: Frogger
Coding Addition By Frogger