by, mr penguin12, proofread by eld9991, coded my mr penguin12 and dr henry.
In the beginning Guthix created the earth for his domain and to rule over. After a while he got tired and went into a great sleep leaving the world to be ruled by whoever would take it. In time an extreme evil crept into the world as Zaros came into being. His thoughts were pure evil, loving darkness and destruction and loathing all things caring and light. He was uncapable of love or caring and hated all, even his worshippers. It was dangerous to oppose him, but just the same as loving him. Zaros felt that the world was created for green things to grow and animals to live love and grow. He hated this so he bent his will on spreading the darkness that was in his heart to engulf the world. Many ancient and evil things walked the world in its early years, but nothing was more strong or evil than Zaros' favorite creations, dragons. Dragons are huge creations who loved destruction. They spread the will of their master throughout the world and loved to eat other creatures (especialy sheep, to Guthix's later regret.) Zaros gave dragons various gifts to help him in his ultimate goal. He gave them the ability to breath fire and burn farms or people to a darkened crisp. He gave them large wings to fly around, far above the world to wreak havoc from above. They had thick hides to protect themselves from sword or magic. He also gave them uncalcuable strength, for he was strong and his thoughts were of ultimate strength.
Men were created by Guthix as well in his likeness. He enjoyed men, their politics and rivalries, but soon he went into a great sleep. The men sensing that their creator was gone quaked with fear. A great shadow grew in their minds as the days lengthened. Soon all the fractions that were earlier warring formed alliances to face the immeniate doom. They knew not what to expect, but their fears weren't comparable to the reality of what was to come. From the sky great fires erupted and the land they loved soon was barren and chared to the ground. What was once green pastures became scorched deserts. They fought many battles with the dragons, but they could not win, and they knew this. They prayed for some being that heard them to help them and save them from their doom. Two Gods heard this, Zamorak and Saradomin. Saradomin came as the savior of the richeous and pure of heart, but Zamorak came to be the flaming weapon of the greedy and unjust. Though the Gods did not agree they knew to overthrow Zaros they must unite. Good and evil combined to oppose Zaros, and a great battle was fought. Many died and much land was sunk into the ocean, or so scorched and mountainous that no man can now venture there. After a month of battle Zaros was overthrown, but not defeated. Many of his dragons were destroyed, but a few, the strongest escaped, and this is their story.
Zaros had made the color of the dragon comparable to their strength and abilities. The weakest were green, then blue, then red, then black. When Zaros was overthrown and the dragons were fleeing, with a shot Guthix awoke and cursed the dragons. He made it so that they could not fly, but they forever bore the wings of their former glory. The green dragons who escaped wandered to find a place where they wouldn't be destroyed. Long they searched, but soon came to a land that was scorched by the battle. There they lingered, for that land had many hiding spots. That land was later named the wilderness because of all the untamable things that made that land their abode. Men were forbidden by guthix to fight, but that didnt apply to the wildreness. There people would kill each other for fun or profit. The green dragons knew this, so they settled there. They knew that the men would be busy fighting each other, and when one finially killed the other, then the green dragons would swoop down and with one breath kill the vicorious knight. They knew that the deeper they went, the less people they'd meet, so they settled at the outskirts of the low lvl wildy. There they long abode, but one green dragon, one was different. It was an outcast, so when Zaros was overthrown he went a different way than the others. He soon found an abandoned island that few had ever seen. There it dug deep into the ground and hit an already existant cavern, and there it lived for many long years, until one year. One year navigators from the king were sent to chart the island, and brought back a map before he could get to them. Soon Elvarg was well known to the world. Elvarg knew this, so he made great defences around the island to wreck ships attempting to go there, for many tried their strength to kill the dragon. The weakest would be destroyed by his helpers, so only the strongest could get through. Elvarg liked this for he loved to kill the most confident men, and the strongest to give him a fight. Many who went to crandor never returned, maybe some brave fellow will be able to slay him.
The blue dragons were the most numerous, and slightly stronger than the greens. They loathed both light and dark, for it was those two forces that overthrew then and their master. They dared not dwell in the light, but wouldn't be left in total darkness. Most of the Blues wandered down past a druid city and there found a great dungeon. They escpaed the light, and lamps defeated the dark, so they wandered through until the found a large cavern. There they now dwell and breed. One of the blues wasn't so fortunate. As it was walking past the druid city a great host of valiant heroes cut him off from his pack. Their mages casted a spell, and soon he awoke to find himself in a cage. The bars were wrought with magic, so as much as the Blue dragon could try to escape, it would never get out. The heroes used him to train or weed out their newcomers. Some blues didn't go with the pack and left and wandered until they found a troll cavern to abide in.
The reds were a very powerful dragon, but few remained and this story says not much of them, for no source of their migration is known. All we know is that they wandered tell they reached the wilderness, and there dwelt in a land full of lava, for they loved heat.
The black dragons were the most powerful of all. The apple of Zaros' eye they were. They were an elite group, so not many were created, and even fewer made it from the great battle. The black, following the blues found their way into the tavelry dungeon. They didn't like the dungeons, and were about to leave when a large company of zamorak wizards showed up. With the power of their lord in them they cast a spell forbiding the blacks from leaving that lair to spread their evil. The wizards to this day keep guard over them to make sure none escape.
The leader, and lord of the dragons was the King Black Dragon. Greater than all others it was, and none could compare to it. It has three heads for all the more destruction. After the great battle it fled into the wildy, but to ensure only the strongest fought him, he put much more challenging tasks to reach him. He made it so that many lessers guarded the entrance, and posion spiders helped for the kill. He can be found in the deep wildy, waiting for the bravest to challenge him. Dragons, the most powerful and deadly creatures they are. Challenge at your own risk.