Villager Spotlight - Tweedy!Today The Villager interviews Tweedy, RuneVillage's newest Chat Administrator, a Village Legend, a top poster, and above all - a very dedicated member, who has been so for many years. We hope you enjoy! What brought you to RuneVillage?I started playing RuneScape back in early 2003. I went to the same school as “Deneagle” (an ex-mod here) and he had joined RV way back in late 2002. I remember needing to use a guide for the Ernest the Chicken quest (don’t laugh, getting through that maze of doors seems mighty difficult to a 13 year old!) so Deneagle told me to use RV’s guides. From there I discovered the Pub and...well you know the rest. What's kept you here all this time?I don’t play RS much anymore, but like many here I stick around because of the accumulated pool of friends I’ve made over the years. Many have moved on, but a good few are still around, chatting or posting. And that’s not mentioning the steady trickle of newbies I get the pleasure of meeting. I did quit one time, I think it was mid-2006, but I returned after school had finished for the year. Similarly, I was severely inactive for about three months around my final exam time last year. What aspect of RuneVillage do you enjoy above all others? (I can guess this one.)If I don’t say the Chat I think the chat mods will lynch me. Who is your 'best friend' at RuneVillage?I always refrain from posting in these topics when they come up in General Chat...not only because there’s the potential for hurt feelings but because I genuinely don’t know. There are so many great people here that it’s well nigh impossible to single one person out. However, if you had me at gun-point I’d go with Mackerel. You were recently promoted among the Administrator ranks. What was that like, did you expect it? Were you surprised?As those who are on the Staff can testify, it’s a lovely feeling logging onto RV one day and seeing a bunch of extra buttons and forums. In this particular case Mogo didn’t even ask me beforehand, so it was a shock to log on and discover a new global just for me. There's currently an election process running in General Chat. Who do you think will win, and who are you going to vote for?My money is on Bartoron and that infernal moose. >_> Honestly, one day I think I’m going to go moose-hunting in Canada (it is legal there isn’t it? After all, you lot hunt baby seals, so I should think I’d be on safe ground clubbing the odd moose). Love you really Bart! I haven’t thought about it much, we’ll just have to wait and see how the process unfolds. What exactly made you choose 'Tweedy' as a username?It’s a rather boring story actually. My father’s side of the family had a property or two along the River Tweed in Scotland a long time ago, back in the late 1800s/early 1900s I think. So I just added a ‘y’ for stylistic purposes. Sadly, no connection with Tweety the bird. What is your favourite forum? Legends is a given, no voting for that!To steal from Monty Python: “on second thoughts, let’s not go there. ‘Tis a silly place”. Legends is just a bit crazy, even for me! I’m rather partial to the Debate Board when there’s a good debate going on. There are some good topics in General Chat as well. If you could change one thing at RuneVillage, what would that thing be?I’d bring back all the oldies that have moved on. Although since it’s nearing summer for you northern hemisphere folk, so many of them are already returning. ^_^ If you were given the choice, what would you declare to be RuneVillage's official mascot?What a random question. =O Uhhhh, an almighty nose. We could be on an advertising winner here; just think of all the people with oversized noses and nowhere to discuss their trials and tribulations...until now! Who is your favourite actor?Oh that’s difficult. I guess I’d have to say Jimmy Stewart (he’s my avatar after all!) but Cary Grant and Bogie are close seconds. Stewart is just a tad in front because of his versatility; he’s in everything from dramas (It’s a Wonderful Life) to comedies (You Can’t Take it With You) to thrillers (Rear Window and Vertigo) to westerns (The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance and the collaborations with Anthony Mann). What is your favourite movie?Coincidentally, Tanksandguns recently started up a topic in Media Mansion. My list there is a fair indication of my favourites. To save your readers traipsing through the forums, my favourite is “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” a political drama about an idealistic Boy Scouts leader who becomes a senator and is confronted with the corruption in Washington. What is your favourite food?Steak. Definitely a juicy, bleeding steak. That’s one reason why I love the French and their cooking – they know how to cook their meat. No charcoal bits or shoe leather for them. Do you have any pets?My family has a kitten - actually it’s now a fully-fledged cat – called Simba (strictly speaking he’s mine but we all keep him company). We also have a neurotic beagle who occasionally answers to the name of Harry. What would you call your biggest achievement in life?Coping with three younger sisters. It’s unadulterated chaos at home. It’s a wonder I get anything done, haha. What's your biggest and most significant pet peeve?Probably mobile phone etiquette (or lack thereof). I often take the train and bus to Uni and everyday there’s always somebody who answers their phone and yells into it. Usually right next to me. >_> What's Australia like, in your opinion? Given the choice would you choose to live somewhere else?I’d like to live in Britain for a while. All my family is over there so it’d be nice to see them more. But Australia is awesome. I mean...we ride kangaroos to school and hunt crocodiles! What more could you want in a country?! If you were given three wishes, what would you wish for? (No infinite wishes!)Three more wishes? Hehe...just kidding. 1. Ability to stop time. You have no idea how handy this would be in completing assignments 2. A Bag of money which never runs out. I never get enough money from work. 3. I’ve always been partial to world peace, even at the risk of sounding like a beauty contestant. What sport do you fancy the most?The racquet sports – tennis and squash. I’m not especially good at either, but I try. Lastly, summarize RuneVillage in as little words as possible (preferably one).Community. Written By: Donut Juice Edited By: H K Coded By: Dark Paladin |