1. What is better, beating Alpr in the race OR seeing his face when you get a Abbysal Whip?
1. Probably beating Alpr in the race, because I would have beat him to 85 slayer at least 2 weeks before he'd have 85. Although, since we agreed to get 85 on the same day, I got my slayer up to 5 exp to 85, and waited till he got 85 slayer. But we all know that I would have whooped up Alpr if I didn't have to wait for him Wink
2. What armour and weapons do you take when you go Slaying?
When I go slaying Abyssal Demons, I wear: Guthans helm, Guthans skirt, Guthans body, Amulet of Glory, Ring of Wealth, Legends Cape, Rune Boots, Cooking Gaunts, Abyssal Whip, and Dragon sq. What I bring in inventory each run is: 3 (4) dose super strength and attack potions, ectophial, nose plug, and Guthans spear.
3. You have many other higher skills on Runescape but do you think Slayer was the hardest too get?
Slayer, by far, was the hardest skill to get up. I did not play Runescape as much till I had the 85 slayer goal in mind.. I thought it was going to be one of the easiest skills because at lvl 1-60 I could lvl up easily. After that, that's where it started getting exhaustingly repetitive. Same thing.. different day: Go to edgeville, get assignment, teleport to nearest bank where the monster assigned is and get supplies. I started slayer when it first came out, didn't stop training it since, and that's how long it takes for an average person to get 85.
4. Slayer dramatically affects your Combat Level, are you overjoyed you decided to achieve 85 Slayer?
Yes, I am very happy to get as far as I've gotten in slayer. Leveling slayer was so important that I didn't even notice how much better my combat skills were getting (most notable: 85-97 range, just from slayer Twisted Evil ). Not too sure of what my combat level was at the beginning of slayer, (around 95ish?) but at the end I ended up with a combat level of 104.
5. Whos better and gets more luck with Slayer drops etc; You or Alpr?
Hmm.. better luck at getting drops, I'd have to say me. Alpr got 75 slayer a couple days before me and was training hard at the Gargoyles, but never received a Granite maul.. I get 75 and after a day's
worth of Gargoyle killing I get a maul.. BEFORE Alpr! Same story for Nechryaels: Rune boots before him; as well as Abyssals: Abyssal whip before him.
Best part about it is, I don't have to pay back anyone for donations. I made 85 slayer on my own, and now I can live it up at the Abyssal Demons.. at least until nub price lowerers get the best of the Abyssal Whip price.
Thanks for your interest,
Thank you OHS! , Ozzie Bond
Article By: Ozzie Bond
Proof-reading by: magic_falcon and Frogger
Coded By: Frogger