I have an observation about good vs. evil. I think the best games that are out there involve the element of good vs. evil. There is a lot of the same going on in the world we all live in. Games, of course, are often based on many of the same things that go on in real life.
For example, there are many things that go on in games that we can see in the game but cant see in the real world we see with our physical eyes. There is a spiritual world that many people never see. Games often reflect and expose the spiritual realm.
There is a war going on in the real world too... just like the wars that go on in RUNESCAPE. It is a constant battle in the game and in life. I believe that in real life there is God and there are angels and I also believe there is Satan and fallen angels and demons. A lot of demons and evil angels are like the ones in the game RUNESCAPE. I think JAGEX does a good job at showing the evil creatures. I have a suggestion... show some angels and good as a balance. We see how we as humans/warriors do our part in RUNESCAPE and it is the same in real life as in the game.
Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!! Very Happy
By: snake10
Proofread by: Monk Basher
Coded by: Frogger