Peeling The Apple
Applequest Interview
Hey Applequest. Thank you for allowing me to interview you!
Glad to help.
Why did you join the RuneVillage Forums?
Well, I joined RS members in August 2003. I soon realized that I needed some help with the difficult quests. Somebody mentioned Runevillage to me and I checked it out. For awhile I was only using the quest guides, but the link to "The Pub" always intrigued me. One day I clicked it and saw what it was like. After a week or two of just browsing, I finally registered. I soon found a great home here and made a bunch of great friends.
How long have you been with us?
I joined in October 2003, so about a year and a half.
Has RuneVillage changed for you since you joined?
Yes, it definitely has. It seems like we have lost a bit of the community feel here. It seemed like before everyone knew each other pretty well;
Imp sure it was even more so this way before I joined. But ya, all of this is to be expected. With more people joining it is bound to happen. And its not as though RV
isn't a great place now, it definitely is. It just has a different feel. But with all of the great people joining
everyday I think we have an even brighter future.
How many special ranks have you been through?
Just two. I was made a Village Legend in August 2004 and I was made a Board Mod around the turn of the new year.
Do you enjoy being a Board Moderator? (Are there obligations?)
Yes, I am very thankful I got the position I did. It fits well with my personality. If I was a forum moderator, I would get easily frustrated. To be able to see something that needs modding but you cant because that isnt one of your forums, that would be annoying. Im sure that the forum mods get frustrated with that too.
One of the main obligations of being a Board Mod is the blue card forum. With all the hard work the staff, legends, and forum mods do blue carding, there is a lot of cleaning to be done. Unfortunately I have been having some internet problems lately so I haven't been as active there as I should be. A big thanks goes to Crazy Jedi for working so hard in there.
Have you had any thoughts on retiring from your position?
No serious thoughts. Runevillage means too much to me for me to leave. And when I'm here, I want to be helping out by modding.
Your username is quite famous... How did you come up with it?
Yes, my username has always been a hit. I think I can owe some of my success both here and on RS to it. When making my first account on RS, I stared at the create username screen for 10 minutes waiting for a flash of brilliance. Then finally it hit me, Applequest. Later on, I found out there is an, its the "American Professional Partnership for Lithuanian Education," so I guess I'm not as random as I thought.
Along with your username, your signature is quite unique... Do you have any intentions to change it?
I love my signature. I think Ive been using it for about a year now. For anyone who enjoys simplicity, you gotta love it. I have considered getting a new sig, but I guess ditching that sig would be like getting rid of part of RVs past. But I have had my same avatar and location for longer, and I have no intention of getting rid of those.
What does your future in RuneVillage look like?
Well hopefully it will be a long one. Someday I hope to be offered a position as a Forum Admin which I would gladly accept.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thanks to the Villager Staff for working hard as always to produce such a quality publication. And thanks to Petrenks and Alpr for throwing a great party. I wasn't able to attend because I was moving but I'm sure it was great. I know how much time and effort it takes to pull it off, and I appreciate that they were willing to make the sacrifice.
Thats all, thank you, Applequest!
Interview By: Jackstick
Proofread By: Monk Basher and Frogger
Coded By: Ozzie Bond and Frogger