XBOX 360
Hi, guys my name is Blinx and I wanted to talk a little about the Xbox 360 the next generation of Xbox.
It will be one of the biggest upcoming game systems right next to playstation 3! It has many features and already has a few games out! I will be explaining about it's many features and games.
I will also tell you about the due date for the Xbox 360.
First, I will tell you about the Xbox 360's features. What I will tell you first is about it's memory, the console has 512 MB GDDR3 RAM and 700MHz DDR, in other words the Xbox 360 has almost twice the memory of saving things.
So when you save stuff it wont slow down your Xbox 360 as much as the last one did!
Next, i'll tell you about the controller. The controller is wireless and the two Joystricks have been moved up for more comfort and accuracy.
The system will support four controllers (same as orginal xbox) and there are three USB ports for wired controllers, in other words if you have four people about ready to play with wired controllers, only three will be able to play.
Also the wired controller wire will be about 9 feet long. But the really cool thing about the controller is the Xbox 360 emblem (which replaces the jewel on the old controller) can be pressed to bring the Xbox 360 out of sleep mode and instantly bring up the Xbox Live menu!
I thought that was somthing real cool because it can be real handy. Those are just some of the Xbox 360 features.
Not all information is out but it will be soon so check the internet, xbox magazine and t.v. for more.
Next I will tell you about the games for Xbox 360. It doesn't have too much but it's a good amount. Heres the names of the games that are coming out for Xbox 360, Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo Elements of Power, Gears of War, Project Gotham Racing 3, Demonik, NBA 2K 6, Need For Speed Most Wanted, Quake 4, Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, The Outfit, Tiger Woods PGA Tour, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 3, Tony Hawk American Wasteland, Call of Duty 2, Saint's Row, Dead or Alive 4 and Top Spin 2.
Those are the scheduled games to come out for the Xbox 360. Of course there will be more and one people are real excited about is Halo 3 but that is not scheduled to come out any time soon.
Last, I will tell you about the date it's going to come out. It is scheduled to come out Novemember 2005, which is very soon.
Well, that's all I can really tell you about the next generation of the Xbox I would like to thank all who helped me with information.
Proofread by:G@mer, Fetttson,and Snake10
Coded by: HawaiiGopher