Movies of the Month
Well this month there are many movies out there, so it took a long time to pick the right movie to do an article about. According to Top Movies of this weekend here are the top 10.
1. Mr. & Mrs. Smith
2. Madagascar
3. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
4. The Longest Yard
5. The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D
6. Cinderella Man
7. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
8. The Honeymooners
9. Monster-in-Law
10. High Tension
Because Mr. & Mrs. Smith is the top movie my article will be about that film.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Genres-Action/Adventure, Romance and Thriller
Running Time-1 hr. 55 min.
Release Date-June 10th, 2005 (wide).
MPAA Rating-PG-13 for sequences of violence, intense action, sexual content and brief strong language.
Distributor-Twentieth Century Fox.
Main Characters-Angelina Joilie as Mrs. Smith, and Brad Pitt as Mr. Smith.
Critic Ratings-The critics rating was C+ overall, here is more information about the criticism.
You must be wondering what this movie is about, well here is a brief description according to Yahoo! Movies.
A married couple (Pitt and Jolie) are getting bored with their quiet domestic life. What they don't know, however, is that they're both assassins, secretly hopping the world and killing for hire. But their separate lives are about to collide when each finds out their next target is their own spouse.
Personally I think that this film looks pretty interesting and it captures my interest, although I have not gotten the chance to watch it yet my friend has and he tells me the movie is great and action-packed, as well as cool gadgets and a well put film. So in conclusion, this movie looks great and it is worth the 10$ in the box office so give it a go and watch it.
Here are some pictures about the movie-
Mr. & Mrs. Smith on the floor with some weapons getting ready.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith getting ready for another mission.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith in their "normal" identity.
Mrs. Smith Sniping.
Mr. Smith descending ready to shoot.
Author: im4GvN4LiFe
Proofread by:Bill_iop99
Coded by: HawaiiGopher