The Secret Treasure
Proofread By: Juansito
Coded By: Majik
I am sure many of you have heard ancient treasure stories about
brave adventurers searching for a hidden treasure. This story is similar, yet
different. This is about a young man in the realm of RuneScape who has learned
rumors of a hidden treasure...
Efron, a 17 year old young man was born to become an adventurer.
All of his life, he searched for a treasure that would bring him riches, but
all he ever found was lies and rumors. While walking past a couple one day,
he overheard a conversation take place about a buried treasure that lied in
the hills below East Ardougne. Intruiged, he found out that the monk from the
clock tower knew more about this rumor. So off he went to the monk...
Efron finally stumbled upon the monk, after about a 3 hours walk.
Tired and weary, he asked the monk if he could rest in the tower. The monk happily
sheltered him. Once Efron had awoken, he asked the old monk about this "buried
treasure" The monk new exactly what he was talking about, and so he told the
tale. Legend has it that a great warrior, defeated the great god Zamorak, and
stole all of the riches from his kingdom. Fearful for his life, he buried the
riches and his armor and weapon, and fled away. Zamorak eventually used his
spirit to find the warrior and defeat him. Now, the riches lay buried somewhere
in the East Ardougne hills.
Armed with a spade, a few cabbages, a super potion set, and a full
set of mith armor, Efron headed out to find the treasure. He thought maybe asking
some of the locals would help him. He saw an old farmer so he asked him about
the tale. The farmer said that the treasure was supposedly buried in the center
of the city where the "giant people live" This could have only meant one thing:
Efron would have to find a way to get inside Ogre City.
Efron arrived at the city to find a couple gate guards...well,
guarding the gate to the city. He politely asked if he could gain access to
the center of the city for some excavating. The Ogres new it was about the treasure.
They let him through, BUT, he had to split the treasure 60/40% if he found it.
So, Efron traveled to the center of the city...
Efron arrived at the center of Ogre city, only to find disappointment.
He looked around, and something caught his eye: there was a pile of rocks. But,
the strange thing was, there was a "face" shape to them, they altogether made
a face. It was a face of evil. Efron knew below the rocks was the treasure.
After getting the Chief Ogre to help him remove the rocks, Efron began to dig.
He dug about 4 feet down when he struck a hard metal. After digging around the
protruding object, he managed to haul it up to the surface. With his spade,
he knocked off the locked, and opened it to find...
"You are a worthy soul. You have found the treasure. Knowing that
you have found it is treasure enough for your mind and spirit. May the god of
light be with you. I have taken the treasure and buried it in another place.
By the time anyone reads this letter, I will have been long dead. Please, seek
out the treasure. I will leave you with this: "Learning to mine is a tedious
task, but in the heart of mining will you find the treasure."
Upset, but yet encouraged, Efron knew where he had to go. So, he
set off for his next location.
To be continued...